got ethical husbandry?

A good little tank

It’s hard to keep small tanks looking so good, but you’ve done it! I like the fish trio, I hadn’t realized high-fin gobies have such a cool pattern, almost looks like a barber pole.

I think we need a photo of the new stand since you put so much time into sanding & painting it :)
Thanks @Chromis, that's a very nice compliment! I'm loving the tank so far, and he's a pic of the stand!

Recently the birdsnest and setsosa have started to grow more rapidly. I took a pic of the tank tonight to compare with in the future. Occasionally (it seems to be after water changes) the hammer loses a few polyps. Twice now i found them attached to my goni, burning holes in it! The goni recovered both times (I actually think the goni is also starting to grow over the putty I used to attach it a bit faster, but its hard to tell). I'm not sure what's up with the hammer, but I think it doesn't like me scraping algae so close to it (it right against the glass) with the flipper magnet. I'm not sure what I can do about it.

I plan to bring the stylo I got from @Coral reefer to the swap as well as what I think is a tropic thunder monti frag (you can see both at the top of the pic, it is a red encrusting monti with green polyps). I'll also bring some gatorade and vamp zoas I think if I bring 2 gatorade and 1 vamp frag I qualify for a bonus round, which is amazing considering last time I was at the swap all I could get was freebies!

And finally, I just love this goby!


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Going through my own thread I noticed the goni I got from @Coral reefer has actually grown a ton since June, as has the lithophyllon. It makes me so happy to know the corals are actually growing pretty fast and well! I really can't thank Mike enough for them. The blasto you gave me has four beautiful heads now and has colored up beautifully since I put it where less light and flow reach it. I took the pic below with aquarium cam ap. Some of the corals are too bright/pink (the goni is much darker red) but the blasto looks much more like itself (actually a little washed out) in comparison to a pic w/no filters.
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