Reef nutrition

A soon to be "hello" from afar (asking for tank relocation advice :D)

As a few of you know (and now all), I've recently accepted a job offer at a new place. I knew the current position was a temp one when I started it ~ 2.5 years ago. What I didn't know was whether or not I'd stay in the same area when it was over. I'm originally from So Cal, and I must say that in my short stay here, that I've grown to love it. Area is great, people are great, and BAR...BAR is awesome.

In a few months, I'll be moving out to Santa Fe to start up a real career at a pretty cool place. Lots of new and exciting stuff there, but one thing I will sorely be missing is BAR. I'm not totally going. I'll still be here causing trouble as usual on the forums, but I will be deprived of all the amazing meetings/personal interactions that I've grown accustomed to with the BAR membership.

Santa Fe doesn't have a reef club. New Mexico does in a city about an hour south of SF, but it isn't really organized and doesn't seem to be that active. I guess the location has some impact on that ;). I guess this also means that I have some work ahead of me to see if I can stir up the local reefers and instill in them, the BAR Virus!

So that's that. A little bit bittersweet, but sometimes that's how it works out.

..oh, and I still have DBTC stuff to deal with, so keep an eye out :) I might be able to do some before BAYMAC, but likely the meeting after.
:( Awe that sucks, but I am stoked you found a good job :)

Looks like a lack of RN dealers around there as well. Hope you change that :lol:
Dave, definately! If the job didn't involve photons, I'd be lost!! What fun is work without lasers?!

Gresh, I know what you mean. Excited, but will miss a few thing :( And no worries on RN! I've been hooked on it since trying it. I'll be sure to get others ;) Might have to do a "group buy" to start the flow though lol.

Brian..ummm...I think I'll pass on that one :-D
Congrats. You've been a great source for knowledge. Mind putting my LED system together before you head out into the sunset?
Good luck Tony, but does this mean you can upgrade to a much bigger tank? Surely you will have more space in New Mexico.
Sorry to hear you'll be leaving us. On the plus side, New Mexico should be a cool place to live. A lot of SW culture and arts. I've never been there.
I hear electricity is a bargain in New Mexico.
I'm sure I'll see you before you go but if not, Good bye and good luck!!!!