
Advice Needed/Best Practice for Water Jugs


Hi All,

I recently had to clean out my 5 gallon jugs with one looking like it might have mold starting on the bottom. Are you guys leaving the lids off for them to dry out when empty? Looking for best practices when they aren't full of water to avoid this as much as possible.

Much appreciated.
leave it out of full sun exposure, i left one out under sun and it's all cracked. but i do make sure there's no water left at the bottom when not in use. never experienced mold
Rinse them with a water bleach solution, drain and rinse again. Let them air dry or if you prefer under the sun to do a quick dry, keep an eye on them. Sun's UV rays breaks down the plastic and cracks easily.
Every few months I’ll let them sit a couple days with either citric acid or vinager bath, 1/4 way full, shaking occasionally. Rinse, reuse and repeat. Been staying pretty clean for me

When I’m storing dry, I keep the lid off
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