got ethical husbandry?

AgentSPS' tank

It's possible that the treatment caused all the corals to slime. And with them in a relatively small container with less(?) circulation/aeration that basically he had a crash of sorts. If one starts going, and uses up dissolved O2, the others react poorly, then the whole thing goes. Like Mike said.
I've not seen any sliming from Fluke Tabs, that many corals in a tub is a whole different ball of wax, I'd imagine constant water changes are in order until you can get them into a stable system. Could be that the die off of AEFW compromised water quality as well, who knows, but I've had no trouble with Fluke Tabs myself.

Bottom line is that it's a sad situation, and I feel for Erik, I would hate to be in his shoes right now. Shoot I gave the guy interceptor when his tank had RBs just because I was proud of what he had been able to do AFA the mature Acro forest type tank.
Hello All-

Believe it or not, I never saw this thread until now. I just happen to do a Google search for 'AgentSPS' and stumbled upon it. Anyhow the new tank is about a year old now and is doing quite well after some hickups. Things seem to be stabalizing as it matures and growth is starting to kick in.
robert4025 said:
Hiya Erik! Fancy meeting you here! Haven't talk to you in ages. Hope everything is alright.


Hi Robert!

Long time no see! Things are great! Will have to stop by and see you next time I am in the area.
Love is everywhere here Erik. Just watch out for Chewbacca and Ewok. I think I've seen one or two around here this morning.
Anyone interested in buying my Dussumier tang? I got him from Ming a few years back and he has been a great fish. I would say he is about 7-8" now. See my Avatar pic.