
Analyzing electrical usage by system.

We have a joke at my house that summer's coming! which really means that here comes fog and wind. I'm logging ambient temps now so I should get a very good idea of the thermal swings throughout the seasons and can act accordingly. Historically casual observations showed it gets into upper 70's on Indian-summer days. I plan to add controlled fan in months to come as you have suggested. More for humidity, but should work quite well for thermal as well.
Yeah the fan's work great, however for a San Francisco style house where the garage is part of the house and there is no roof over it (usually the second floor) those don't really work terribly well.

I'm currently assessing the potential of exhausting the air directly into the green house (also attached to the house) could be an interesting combo :D However I'd need a humidity sensor more so than a temperature one, since it never gets that hot.