High Tide Aquatics

Any automatic feeder recommendations?

Wow, $209 for a feeder...!

I use the Eheim. I don't find it loud. My biggest gripe with it is also the difficulty in feeding just the right amounts. I feed a mix of two different-sized pellets. This set up is not ideal since either a larger opening allows too much to go through, or when I close the opening, only the smaller pellets get dispensed.
The dual eheim (with or without custom auger) I linked might help.
The Avast Plank arrived today - now this is what a feeder should be! I set it up in the sump with a 45 degree extension on the downpipe so the food goes straight into the return. No more magnetic feeder rings or noisy, imprecise feedings!
The Avast Plank arrived today - now this is what a feeder should be! I set it up in the sump with a 45 degree extension on the downpipe so the food goes straight into the return. No more magnetic feeder rings or noisy, imprecise feedings!
Would you post a pic of how you set it up?
Wow, $209 for a feeder...!

I use the Eheim. I don't find it loud. My biggest gripe with it is also the difficulty in feeding just the right amounts. I feed a mix of two different-sized pellets. This set up is not ideal since either a larger opening allows too much to go through, or when I close the opening, only the smaller pellets get dispensed.
I just set up the avast feeder today. Love it. Quiet. I can set the seconds just long enough so all the fish are fed without a ton of food sinking into the rocks or the overflow.
The Avast Plank arrived today - now this is what a feeder should be! I set it up in the sump with a 45 degree extension on the downpipe so the food goes straight into the return. No more magnetic feeder rings or noisy, imprecise feedings!
I just set up the avast feeder today. Love it. Quiet. I can set the seconds just long enough so all the fish are fed without a ton of food sinking into the rocks or the overflow.
Is there an easy way to tell or predict when it is out of food?
Is there an easy way to tell or predict when it is out of food?
There is a "window" that is clear so you can see exactly how much is left.
I would note the window is on the front (so I can't see it the way it's setup in the sump). And it has to be very full for the window to be useful. I am using TDO and only put about a week's worth in at a time which isn't really high enough of a level for the window to be a useful indicator. Just an FYI for anyone considering TDO. I plan to just dial in the weekly amount and remember to stock it each weekend.
I just set up the avast feeder today. Love it. Quiet. I can set the seconds just long enough so all the fish are fed without a ton of food sinking into the rocks or the overflow.

Would you post a pic of how you set it up?
Is there an easy way to tell or predict when it is out of food?
Also worse comes to worse -just take the top off the top and look inside. It has no bearing on the amount being portioned out. There is no lever to allow more or less food. It is set by the time the feeder is running
In my experience and just speaking personally, not having a good way to remind you to refill the feeder when it is low or out (without needing to specifically take time to check over and over) is an issue. I realize it isn’t a big deal to check, but it’s also just one more thing to do or forget to do. A little more of a deal if it’s in the sump, under a hood, or otherwise out of sight. And super quiet = easy to forget about.

Anyway I just was wondering if they addressed that issue somehow in this new high-end feeder, like the solutions that are out there for tracking when dosing containers need to be refilled for example.
In my experience and just speaking personally, not having a good way to remind you to refill the feeder when it is low or out (without needing to specifically take time to check over and over) is an issue. I realize it isn’t a big deal to check, but it’s also just one more thing to do or forget to do. A little more of a deal if it’s in the sump, under a hood, or otherwise out of sight. And super quiet = easy to forget about.

Anyway I just was wondering if they addressed that issue somehow in this new high-end feeder, like the solutions that are out there for tracking when dosing containers need to be refilled for example.
They have not addressed this-but since I am running it through apex -easy enough to add a reminder in apex. While one more thing to do-it’s a lot easier than the Neptune AFS to take off the plank and check (and refill) and not have to worry about flooding the compartment that spills a ton of food next time it runs.
I added so much food that it has never run out before I had a shower thought about it and checked. I know that's dangerous, but this hasn't failed me yet. But I agree, setting some kind of reminder will be helpful. Like @L/B Block suggested, a reminder in apex is a good idea.