Reef nutrition

Any other vinyl collectors in the house?



I was thumbing thru a website looking for some of the great records the OG hip hop samples came from and I ran across this:


I've seen that in the past, but not when I was into reefs :D

I've recently gotten the itch to mix again so I've started my ol vinyl collecting habits. Oh boy, like I need another money outlet :D
I wish I had the room to continue collecting, I just download it now mostly. I still have my old Ska/Punk/Reggae/hardcore stuff from back in the day.
I have about 2000 records in stroage as I ran outta room and I haven't DJ'ed a party in years. about 1/2 is hip hop dating from 86 - 2006, about 1/4 is reggae from the 70's and 80's and the remaining 1/4 is split up between jazz funk and rock. Most of the jazz is fussion (CTI records for those that know) and the Rock is from 60's to late 90's
Last I looked I was ~17K records in my collections :) While doing the rave stuff I worked at a record store to aid my habit :)

Eileen I'd love those, we talking 80's stuff? :D

My collection is all over the place. Anywhere from house, trance, break beats, 80's, 70's, funk, reggae, dub, ska, hip hop, rap, and even spoken word :D And everythign in between ;)
[quote author=LordHelmet link=topic=4189.msg50263#msg50263 date=1217228319]
Jeremy, you ever listen to bad brains?
[/quote]Saw them live 4-5 times, Boltimore, Philly, Trenton City (shitty) Gardens, Club Unisound, I Against I has always been one of my favorites. My all time favorite, and arguably last real punk album is Minutemen Double Nickles on the Dime, one of the only punk bands from the original west coast movement I didn't get a chance to see.
We had a VERY strong punk scene here in SC during the 70's-80's :)
I used to be an avid collector of vinyl, but during a gig in '94 someone stole a crate I had! This wasnt just a crate. It was the crate I filled with my best records that I use to play out! It was so devastating that I lost all inspiration to buy vinyl. I later started mixing with CDs when pioneer came out with thier High end CDJ series CD mixers. Later I got even lazier and just downloaded mp3s and burned them to disk for mixing.

Theres no real replacement for mixing with vinyl because of the actual hands on feel of the media, but these CD mixers are pretty close.
The scratching feature is actually very realistic although many vinyl purists would frown upon such an abomination of the art.
Heh, what got me back into it is Traktor and Serato. I own and use Traktor but I think I'll get Serato as well after using it with actual decks and tracking vinyl. Up until using Serato I was just doing MP3 mixing using software. Yah it's a change since what I used to be used to but what I can do with it now is just out of this world.

For those that don't know:
When my oldest brother passed away (8 years ago) my sister and I inherited his many thousand's of LP collection from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Lots of picture disc's and bunch of rare stuff. I'm not sure what he had most of but when I lived with him we went hunting for records almost every weekend for years. Dusty springfield, momas & the papas, beatles white album-you name it, I just don't have the heart yet to go through them.
For those with Vinyl, is it about the nostalgia, or for the (can of worms) "more accurate" analog sound on high fidelity analog systems compared to digital?
For me it's now just another source of audio, along with my digital stuff. 10 years ago you wouldn't see me with any digital mixing. In that case it was about the "feel" of vinyl as well as the over all "greater presence". Digital had a tingiy "lifeless" feel to it, especially on amplified systems.
My first question to anyone who says things (both pro digical and pro analog) is : what system and material did you listen to?

Before reefing, I was a hardcore audio guy. I was highly active in DIY audio and got to listen to some amazing equipment and material.
This gave me an interesting perspective on a lot of things audio. One thing is certain, when your gear gets to a certain level, you can really hear how good or shitty the source material is. Many systems smear this out and attribute this to sounding better (not hearing the junk sounds better :p)

I am currently running a digital setup because it was a more logical path for my constraints. I've heard some amazing systems on both ends. I'm not sure what I like more. I want to try some "better" stuff, but I can't get there yet because to take me to the next level would require a major investment jump :(