got ethical husbandry?

Anyone Brave Black Friday??


Supporting Member
My mom and I went out mid morning and still got some good deals. Still a zoo though. Bought her a TV that we had to take back cause the picture was all jacked.
Although I didn't feel that "crazy" to go on a shopping spree at 4:00 am, we (my family) went on one black Friday and there's no way in hell I'll go to another one; reminded me of a "Pamplonada"
I went out - braved the elements - and came back with a 55" 3-D Sony TV for 1100$ off. :)

For the record: I hate shopping on black friday and don't plan on doing it again...maybe.
Sure did. Came back with 2 banggai's and some cerith's too! That aside, I did go to target to get a price adjustment on a 2tb hd I bought on Tues. They weren't happy about doing it, but they couldn't find anything that nullified their standing corporate policy.
my wife did the crazy stuff and i hit up aquatic collection and got some snailns and anthias... also ran into a few bar members while out at neptunes picking up three new bulbs and a few awesome corals..btw folks anyone looking for a 14 gallon biocube up and running with a maited pair of misbars and rbta,LOL

i also ordered a new nikon d7000
I hit Aquatic Collection for a nice wrasse, 3 nice frags and an assortment of cleanup critters. With that I got a free bottle of Oysterfeast. Black fridays are best spent at LFSs where it's not a zoo.
all LPS: aussie acan, green chalice w/ blue speckles, watermelon chalice w/ green bumps. there was a nice multi-frag discount that made getting 3 worthwhile.
tuberider said:
sfboarders said:
I went out at 12:00 to visit Aquatic Collection. Got a killer deal on a fish and some snails. :D

All while missing 4' A-frames at State Beach, with one guy out (me) :D :D :D

You and the landlord. :D Tough to surf now-a-days with my lil ones. I can't get any motivation to suit up and tackle the cold anymore. Especially after coming back from HI a few weeks ago. 8)