
Anyone on EBMUD using only carbon and DI resin to save water?


Supporting Member
Quick background: My EBMUD water here in West Oakland seems to always be ~30 TDS or less. I only have a nano aquarium at home and won't have the capacity for anything more than that in the medium term so my 0 TDS water needs are pretty low (less than 10 gallons per week). Buying RO/DI water locally is getting old.

I'm thinking of putting together a "portable" water making setup with BRS refillable blocks that I can quick-connect to my sink as needed as I'm in an apartment at the moment. I'd like to skip RO outright to avoid the water waste and instead do something like the following given how low my TDS already is:

[1 micron sediment filter] ---> [catalytic carbon] ---> [old/"used" DI resin to bring down to ~2-5TDS] ---> ["new DI resin]

OR skipping the sediment pre-filter entirely and doing 3 stages

Anyone have experience doing something like this? Thanks!
Quick background: My EBMUD water here in West Oakland seems to always be ~30 TDS or less. I only have a nano aquarium at home and won't have the capacity for anything more than that in the medium term so my 0 TDS water needs are pretty low (less than 10 gallons per week). Buying RO/DI water locally is getting old.

I'm thinking of putting together a "portable" water making setup with BRS refillable blocks that I can quick-connect to my sink as needed as I'm in an apartment at the moment. I'd like to skip RO outright to avoid the water waste and instead do something like the following given how low my TDS already is:

[1 micron sediment filter] ---> [catalytic carbon] ---> [old/"used" DI resin to bring down to ~2-5TDS] ---> ["new DI resin]

OR skipping the sediment pre-filter entirely and doing 3 stages

Anyone have experience doing something like this? Thanks!
Kold ster-il
No waste water
Been using this method over 15 years
Thanks all for your suggestions. I'll probably stick with the sediment pre-filter and go with 2 stage DI after the carbon blocks.
I am in alameda with the same kind of TDS. I use micron/chlormine/carbon, then just DI.
Alameda here too... and yes, only a few weeks ago finally got a TDS meters and pleasantly surprised that TDS is very low here in the city. I use home RO unit for my 30g tank since 2010.

@Thales , just check out your page, awesome stuff you're doing, wow! Saw that you kept cuttlefish before... I've always been interested in them after seeing them (as food menu items) in Taiwan as a kid and then at Monterey Bay Aquarium. How are they in terms of keeping? Didn't see any posts on your blog mentioning your experience with them!
Alameda here too... and yes, only a few weeks ago finally got a TDS meters and pleasantly surprised that TDS is very low here in the city. I use home RO unit for my 30g tank since 2010.

@Thales , just check out your page, awesome stuff you're doing, wow! Saw that you kept cuttlefish before... I've always been interested in them after seeing them (as food menu items) in Taiwan as a kid and then at Monterey Bay Aquarium. How are they in terms of keeping? Didn't see any posts on your blog mentioning your experience with them!
Sweet - an alameda reefer! Nice to meet you.
Here are some cuttle links
Thanks all for your suggestions. I'll probably stick with the sediment pre-filter and go with 2 stage DI after the carbon blocks.
When We were making water ourselves -it’s exactly what we did-
1 sediment filter, 2 carbon blocks (first 3 stage) and then a double stage di chamber.

A big bag of BRS di resin would last almost a year. Couple times the ebmud jumped to ~130 tds and the tds after would be 1-2 but didn’t seem to affect anything
You searched for cuddlefish didn’t you?
....yeah, I started going down the (really cute) rabbit hole of cuddly cuttlefish...

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