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Apex help!!!!


I had a power outage yesterday. Since then my hard wired apex won't connect to the fusion app or local. I've tried everything. Weird thing is the unit is still sending me real time alarms via email.
I had a power outage yesterday. Since then my hard wired apex won't connect to the fusion app or local. I've tried everything. Weird thing is the unit is still sending me real time alarms via email.
Sorry to ask the basic questions, but have you done a variety of turn it off and on agains? I'd try flipping the apex completely off, then restart your router. Once the router is back up, then turn on your apex.

That's how I normally deal with odd acting network things at least. Sometimes the devices don't work well when they start before the network is stable. This helps everything connect with all the proper addresses and bindings.
Sorry to ask the basic questions, but have you done a variety of turn it off and on agains? I'd try flipping the apex completely off, then restart your router. Once the router is back up, then turn on your apex.

That's how I normally deal with odd acting network things at least. Sometimes the devices don't work well when they start before the network is stable. This helps everything connect with all the proper addresses and bindings.
Did all that
So I can log onto it from my pc if I type the ip address now. The app is still telling me it's disconnected. I've deleted and reinstalled the app as well.
So I can log onto it from my pc if I type the ip address now. The app is still telling me it's disconnected. I've deleted and reinstalled the app as well.
If you are able to open the webpage via the Apex's IP, it sounds like the router is not able to resolve the IP<<>>hostname mapping properly.
Do you know the hostname of the Apex unit? It should be the name of the Apex in the "Apex List"

Can you try 2 things?
Assuming you are using Windows 10/11:
  1. Search for Powershell in your Start menu, Right click and run as administrator.
    • Type this and hit ENTER:
      ping [IP address of the Apex]
    • You should see something like this
    • Hit CTRL+C to stop
  2. Next, type this and hit ENTER:
    • ping [Name of Apex].local
      For example: ping EricsApex.local
    • You should see a similar output as above
    • If you do not, the problem lies in your router.
    • If you do, then we may need to dig deeper.
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Also to confirm, you didn't change any network settings on your device or router recently? Other things that can screw this up are switching dns hosts, eg if somehow you switched your device to use or a similar provider to workaround a different issue.

@thesassyindian's debugging steps would also help check if something like that happened.

Also make sure the hostname/name of the device is still what you are trying to use. Maybe sometime changed it, or it changed in the past and was working until things rebooted because of some caching.
Call me up later dude if you have time. we can try some stuff.

This doesn't fully sound like a name resolution issue like @thesassyindian was saying. I think you're saying that u can access locally (from PC) but you cant access it thru (or the app).
if thats the case it seems more like Fusion Cloud not being hooked up to the Apex. Try the stuff on this page under "Link your Apex to APEX Fusion"

I have had problems just resetting the Apex.

Leave router on.

1) Try physically unplugging the Apex, and especially unplugging all peripherals also, like a DOS pump.
If you miss one, it can still drive power.

2) While unplugged, wait maybe 5 minutes.
That allows most network stacks to time out. (ApexFusion or Router)

Then turn it back on.

+1 on checking fusion connection.
in a crazy world the router could have reset due to the outage and cut off outside world comms for "security" reasons too. that may or may not be easy to rule out depending on the router's UI
Also, some people have two stages of routing without realizing it.
I accidentally had that for a while when I added an EERO mesh network.

The real correct order:
1) Turn EVERYTHING off.
2) Turn on Modem (or cable box, whatever is connected to real external wires)
wait a couple of minutes.
3) Turn on Router (if it is separate from modem, which is common)
wait a couple of minutes.
4) Turn on any network switches or secondary network systems (dumb hubs don't matter, but smart ones do)
wait a couple of minutes.
5) Turn on Apex
Telegram tells you how to fix the eb832. Apex uses a cheap part in the that pops at a power surge.
Glad you figured it out. Now you can breathe again.
if its the power supply board that blew up in your eb832, I bought extras a few months ago and have them here at my house, I will give you one free.
Neptune has been pretty good about giving exchange EB832’s in my experience. They are aware there are some well known failure points in the components and are often generous with support. Worth reaching out to them if you haven’t already @Srt4eric