Cali Kid Corals

Apex Identification help needed

Hi everyone,

I was passed down a very old tank (10+ yrs old) and part of the equipment was an Apex System. I sent an email to Neptune and they told me how to wipe it and reconnect under my own account but,,,,,, I was wondering if this equipment is as old as the tank or a current model that is supported and that I can work with.

I have the controller, a DOS, a power bar and a feeder, own and some new and used probes and a digital display. Here are pictures of the items,

Apex ser.jpg
apex bar.jpg
This looks like one of the Apex Classics:

They are great units, but are not the current model. Some limitations are there is no integrated wifi on the controller, but there are guides on how to make it connect to a Wifi connection. Also I believe they are not compatible with the Neptune Trident auto testing system. Other than that, it should be able to do a lot of what most people want with an aquarium controller. The probes may or may not be usable, especially the pH probe as they have to be carefully stored or they will go bad.
I run the even older version on one of my tanks. The tech inside is so simple they last forever basically in my experience. New probes would be something I’d look into but other than that it should be fine. The only thing this unit can’t do is run a Trident but other than that it does everything else a 2016 model does.