Cali Kid Corals

Aquarium Movers

This give you an idea of what moving one looks like.
This give you an idea of what moving one looks like.
WOW!! Thanks Will... the crew you had was amazing!! I'm not sure what it is on the seller's end but here it is a straight shot in from the driveway.

So I guess the next question is what is the standard go to for asking help for members? Do you feed em? Pay 'em? Both? I just want to be sure I have everything planned when we are ready to move this sucker. Since I live in the East Bay & the tank is n Pacifica, my thought would be to ask for help from members there and then get another group here in Concord. I have a team of neighbors that are awesome and can help out when we get it here.
If you get enough local members (with some muscle, and no bad backs) on both sides of the bay, that could work. My suggestion is 8 people. My guess is that a member won't take money, but feeding them and giving them some frags, etc, would be appreciated, I'm sure.
Happy to help where I can. I am in the middle of a move myself but can try to make time to help with which ever location is closer to San Jose.