Neptune Aquatics

Aquatic Collection - Red w/ Green Eyes Favites

Gomer said:
Not sure. Some of my acan's weren't happy for a bit but they were turning around (I think it was lowish mag)..but this one was ok, then went down hill when the acans were turning happy.

I've seen that combination of symptoms when s.g. got too high.

Mg at 1250 ppm when corrected for s.g.
Gomer said:
well, sg did get highish (2 part dosing...gotta periodically "dilute" the tank)

Yep, same exact situation for me, haha. I let it go for a few weeks, and the favites, a chalice, and a couple sps faded on me.

Quite a while back, Tyree mentioned at one of the meetings that he likes to keep s.g. slightly on the low side because colors fade when s.g. gets too high.

Thank you for the frag. It is doing very well. Colored up right away. Where to you have it placed in your tank. I put it high in the tank and in med flow.

Mike Ray
Ok fellas, I got 2 frags of this guy :)

Pickup ONLY at October meeting
Selection of recipients will be based on:
Karma, Activity and Participation with BAR, having a tank journal, success with similar coral etc.

Preference to those who
1) Start New DBTC thread between Aug 16th - Sept 16
2) Return a a 2nd + gen frag back to the program between Aug 16th - Sept 16
(feel free to post a link)

request away!
I am interested in the frag.

I started a DBTC thread in the SPS section about 10 days ago ( Tyree Purple Unk).

However, not sure I am going to make it to the meeting ( I work 7 days a week).

Where are you located? Maybe we could arrange a pickup?

If not, no worries.
Pickup from my place isn't likely (I'm out in Livermore..far from most in the club)

Bump before sending into DBTC-IC.

Don't be shy (even you newer folk)! You know you want to have a piece.
I would like to try this, it is a nice coral :D I have a jendub favia and three acans that are doing well, I also have a plate coral that I took from a lot of exposed skeleton to fully healed and now coloring up. I will be at the Oct meeting as well.
my camera wasn't working when I got this, the only thing that has changed for me in two months is that the edges are healed and it colored up nicely. I have the mouths facing the inside of the tank so I don't have the cleanest picture of it.

Attached files
I still really dig this guy. Mine has grown really well. How does it fair with you other growers?