Cali Kid Corals


I'm thinking it's a good precedent to set that if someone starts and organizes as cool an event as Baymac they get free Pm's for life. Then we'd get all sorts of people motivated, and we'd have baymac type events every weekend!

I'm sure it will work, with a carrot like that who needs a stick?
anathema said:
I'm thinking it's a good precedent to set that if someone starts and organizes as cool an event as Baymac they get free Pm's for life. Then we'd get all sorts of people motivated, and we'd have baymac type events every weekend!

I'm sure it will work, with a carrot like that who needs a stick?

Stay away from the brown acid!
rygh said:
What is with the cryptic soap-opera threads lately?? :~
This one is really out there.
And the recent one about problematic fish maintenance service ... maybe ... or maybe not...

Although I have to admit being intrigued by the whole "Baymac man" mystery.
(The real mystery being why, since who is not a particularly well kept secret)

Ah well, makes things interesting.

How else would you like me to contact the BOD member when I have no email address for him and I cannot PM? Which forum would you prefer I use? Please advise, I'll do what you ask.

I really do not get why you guys say I am trying to hide and remain a mystery. I never hid the fact.

There is no mystery who I am, I am the same person I have been since 40 some odd years ago. Same person the was a 2 time BAR BOD member, a long time sponsor, etc.

Gomer said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Gresham had PM access on his other (original) account (GreshamH), and then asked to be removed as a sponsor for super secret reasons involving aliens and goats. PM privileges changed then. For other super secret reasons involving barber hair clippings and marshmallow peeps, he converted over to BAYMAC which was reported to be a shared account for the purpose of doing BAYMAC. BAYMAC is no more. For the rest, you'll have to ask Charlie the Unicorn. He keeps the secrets locked up in Candy Mountain.

There is no secret who I am and I did not change names to hide that. Guess you forgot the reason... I wanted to keep the palindrome post count with that user account. You posted in that thread ;) Must be the "dry heat"

I did not change names. I started a second account for the event I run, which is not dead.

I asked to be removed as a sponsor as I was told I could not run for BOD as a sponsor, another thing that was publicly acknowledged, and another thing you forgot. You also posted in that thread.

BAYMAC is not dead and will return next May to Miltpitas. I had to take a year off.
anathema said:
As long as we don't let that Greshamh guy pm anymore!

Baymac is cool tho.

No worries, that account will remain inactive. I won't kill that great palindrome :) Its not every day you hit 12321, or was that what it was?
BAYMAC said:
Gomer said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Gresham had PM access on his other (original) account (GreshamH), and then asked to be removed as a sponsor for super secret reasons involving aliens and goats. PM privileges changed then. For other super secret reasons involving barber hair clippings and marshmallow peeps, he converted over to BAYMAC which was reported to be a shared account for the purpose of doing BAYMAC. BAYMAC is no more. For the rest, you'll have to ask Charlie the Unicorn. He keeps the secrets locked up in Candy Mountain.

There is no secret who I am and I did not change names to hide that. Guess you forgot the reason... I wanted to keep the palindrome post count with that user account. You posted in that thread ;) Must be the "dry heat"

I did not change names. I started a second account for the event I run, which is not dead.

I asked to be removed as a sponsor as I was told I could not run for BOD as a sponsor, another thing that was publicly acknowledged, and another thing you forgot. You also posted in that thread.

BAYMAC is not dead and will return next May to Miltpitas. I had to take a year off.
Take note that he didn't deny the aliens, goats, barber hair clippings, peeps or charlie the unicorn.
BAYMAC said:
BAYMAC is not dead and will return next May to Miltpitas. I had to take a year off.

Please let me know how I can help if you need help with getting this squared away for next year. I'm really saddened that the year I get into the hobby is the year that BAYMAC isn't happening. :(
BAYMAC said:
Guess you forgot the reason... I wanted to keep the palindrome post count with that user account.
Oops, remember that now.
But sorry .... BORING .... Not buying it.
I am sticking to the general theory that it has something to do with the secret giant underwater CIA base in the bay.
(AKA Operation Candy Mountain)

PS: simplest might be to just become a paid up member so you can PM.
I'm with Gresham here, I personally have been PM'd by BOD members about club business with no way to reply, which is quite annoying. Not suggesting BAR should change PM rules, as I am sure there are reasons why they are in place. But it is a legit concern that is not just isolated to a single user. Maybe block sending PMs to non members altogether, or remind members sending PMs to leave an email or other contact information.
Joost, G, etc...

FWIW there's no option in the forum software to restrict current BAR members from sending PM's to non-members. The only historical restriction has been that only BAR members can author and communicate via PM, while non-members don't have that permission.
Isn't there a way to set 'categories' of users in Drupal? I swear I remember there was. Create a member and non member category and you should be able to decide which groups emails/pms go to.
On other forums, everyone has access and paid members had a huge PM capacity + upload space (compared to tiny non member capacity on PM and no uploads and no viewing up uploads). Worth considering?
Gomer said:
On other forums, everyone has access and paid members had a huge PM capacity + upload space (compared to tiny non member capacity on PM and no uploads and no viewing up uploads). Worth considering?
Yeah, that's what I'm used to. Something to consider if/when BAR 2.0 comes out.