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Auto water change for 200gallon tank?

Possibly a thread hijack, but is there any reason saltwater can't be dumped down the place a sump pump would discharge to? I'm honestly not sure if it dumps into the normal sewer lines or storm drains. At some point I should go out and check the next time it rains.

I don't currently do this, but if it wasn't a big deal I could justify finally setting up a scheduled AWC.
You want to be discharging to the sewer, not storm drains. I don’t know for sure where home sump pumps discharge to but I’d assume storm drains since they are meant to remove storm water.
You want to be discharging to the sewer, not storm drains. I don’t know for sure where home sump pumps discharge to but I’d assume storm drains since they are meant to remove storm water.
Serious question, let's say it is the storm drains, why would it matter? Not saying it doesn't, just looking to understand.

Regarding the other message about what this is generally attached to, it's a French drain system. Gutters and some drains connect to a sump, whose pump, pumps out. There's code about what that drain line is supposed to connect to, but given we have a 100yr old house I'm not sure where it's actually draining to.
My suggestion was going to be to have one barrel for RODI and another to mix SW. Have a pump in the SW with enough power (volume & pressure) to get to your tank/sump. You can use the same pump to remove water from your tank/sump to fill by just moving it back into the barrel. I can do 10-20 gal WC from my barrel that is 60+ feet away in about 10 minutes. Just a thought. Not exactly automated, but when I perform a WC, I prefer to actively siphon the sandbed or blow off the rocks and vacuum out that water. It leaves some corals exposed for about 10-15 minutes. Then I quickly fill it back up with a flip of a switch.

Also, for your smaller tanks. What I am currently doing is using a small pump inside a 5 gallon bucket with a foot switch to fill up my smaller tanks upstairs. No more trying to lift the bucket to fill tanks or using smaller transfer containers either. I have one bucket for the dirty water and the other already filled and ready. I am able to perform a 4-5 gal WC in about 10-15 minutes.

Mind sharing pictures of your set up/ links to what pumps your using.

Thats also part of the reason I kept the 2nd barrel, I planed to use one to mix saltwater. One is already used to hold rodi water. The longest run I would have is currently like 35 feet if a pump was at the bottom of the rodi barrel in my kitchen, to reach the top of the other barrel that would be in my garage where the salt could be mixed and despensed to the sump on the tank.

I guess after hearing you guys describe your setups. What I could envision for my system.

1.) Is a pump Permanently left at the bottom of the rodi container with a hose I can roll up neatly somehow capable of reaching the salt mixing barrel in the garage (maybe a switch or a smart outlet where I could instantly turn the pump off while in the garage ensuring it doesn't over fill it, or some type of automation shut of sensor like atos have).

2.) The saltwater mixing container would have a heater and some pump or wave maker capable left Permanently in it to mix and heat the water. It could also have a twin pump like the one in the rodi container with a hose that can also be rolled up when not needed that can reach the frag tank and the 200gallon tank.

3.)As far as draining the water from the 200gallon tank maybe a 3rd identical pump could also be used with a hose capable of reaching a sink. Or possibly a spot on the manifold with a quick connect for a hose to be used to drain water.

I do understand that one pump can probably be used to do all three but seems less trouble to not have to transport pumps around the house trying not to drip water everywhere. Storage Space isn’t really a issue though I doubt I would want both barrels in my kitchen even though it's always a option down the road. If I can find something nicer than a barrel that stacks and isn’t a eyesore.

***The Idea I would like the best in a perfect world would be a quick connect If there is a method that would work to where I could leave the pumps in each barrel and length or hose or pipe to reach just outside the barrel with a permanent quick connector of some type. That way I would only really need one hose that could be used to connect to the outside of each barrel to just move the water than just put that single hose away when not needed.***
Serious question, let's say it is the storm drains, why would it matter? Not saying it doesn't, just looking to understand.

Regarding the other message about what this is generally attached to, it's a French drain system. Gutters and some drains connect to a sump, whose pump, pumps out. There's code about what that drain line is supposed to connect to, but given we have a 100yr old house I'm not sure where it's actually draining to.
Potentially invasive species

example caulerpa
I have an AWC set up and talk a lot about it in my tank journal. Mine is continuous, which mathematically is actually a lot more efficient than you would expect. I do about 2.5g per day. Also don’t need to worry about keeping it heated since it’s just a slow drip basically.
I have an AWC set up and talk a lot about it in my tank journal. Mine is continuous, which mathematically is actually a lot more efficient than you would expect. I do about 2.5g per day. Also don’t need to worry about keeping it heated since it’s just a slow drip basically.
Interesting, it uses dosing pumps I suspect. I will look for it on your journal.
Off the top of my head though. How much salt water do you make and keep stored at a time and for how long? I've heard that it’s not good to keep saltwater long term because it does crazy stuff to it or degrades somehow.

I'm not against attempting this continous water change method you use either if it's not overly complex.

There is Lots of space under this tank so if I would only have to store a extra 15/20gal reservoir next to the 20 gallon rodi resivor for ato it could be a legimate option as well.

Thanks alot for mentioning it.
Interesting, it uses dosing pumps I suspect. I will look for it on your journal.
Off the top of my head though. How much salt water do you make and keep stored at a time and for how long? I've heard that it’s not good to keep saltwater long term because it does crazy stuff to it or degrades somehow.

I'm not against attempting this continous water change method you use either if it's not overly complex.

There is Lots of space under this tank so if I would only have to store a extra 15/20gal reservoir next to the 20 gallon rodi resivor for ato it could be a legimate option as well.

Thanks alot for mentioning it.
I think worrying about saltwater sitting too long is nonsense. IMO.

Yeah I am using dosing pumps, used both a pair of versas and a pair of soles. I like the soles better. Running about 25ft from the tanks in the garage. Other than mixing up a 60g batch of SW every few weeks it’s totally hands off.


My mixing station in the garage.
I think worrying about saltwater sitting too long is nonsense. IMO.

Yeah I am using dosing pumps, used both a pair of versas and a pair of soles. I like the soles better. Running about 25ft from the tanks in the garage. Other than mixing up a 60g batch of SW every few weeks it’s totally hands off.

View attachment 64356

My mixing station in the garage.

I haven't found the continous water change portion yet still going through ur journal. But I got to the picture of your mixing station. What you described there is almost spot on to what I'm hoping for. Not wanting to drip water everywhere and just a hose to move around seems easier and less of a chore. Meaning I would be more likely to keep up with it long term and not slack off.
I just don’t have water or a drain in my garage otherwise it would be simple.
Do you have water access in the garage like washing machine so you could put the rodi there so both barrels are together? Or run a long piece of rodi tubing to the garage?
Very interesting how much interest there is in this topic.

I like to siphon out part of the sandbed to clear out the precipitation, which I consider a key part of the water change exercise, not just replacing water. A bare-bottom sandbed could make this less relevant, but I do not advocate for bare bottom.

AWC would be too risky for me if something goes wrong. Too simple for me to do, and considered quality time with my tank. Even if I needed more water.

My siphon is connected to a faucet, and the water for one week in a 16 g brute on wheels refilled with a sicce 0, or a 32 gallon brute in the garage with a longer hose.

I believe if someone has a very large tank, this could make sense but 200g is still simple enough.
Possibly a thread hijack, but is there any reason saltwater can't be dumped down the place a sump pump would discharge to? I'm honestly not sure if it dumps into the normal sewer lines or storm drains. At some point I should go out and check the next time it rains.

I don't currently do this, but if it wasn't a big deal I could justify finally setting up a scheduled AWC.
What to do with waste saltwater is an important aspect of the water change especially automated!
SF I believe is one of the only cities around here that combines the storm drains with their sewer system. During winter storms they have to treat 400-500 million gallons a day of sewage and rainwater combined. Since their treatment plants can’t handle the volume and too lesson the amount of raw sewage is pouring outa storm drains up onto city streets they allegedly open gates to release raw sewage at over a dozen locations around SF that includes 1000’s of syringes and other unimaginable items. Further more SF is suing the Environmental Protection Agency so they can release more untreated **** into our waterways lol. This is a counter lawsuit since the Feds & Ca already had lawsuits against SF for discharging untreated waste.
If your on Septic not the best idea saltwater down the drain since it may kill the beneficial bacteria.
If you have an older house chances are latterals are cast iron so the salt will really speed up the rust and cracks. But saltwater will kill roots and help stop them from blocking your sewer line lol.
Alot of our local critters use storm drains as highways so its best to only have rainwater flowing in them since they may drink plus as stated above there may be a small risk of an evasive organism depending how close to the bay or canal you live. We all remember the great invasion of the mud dogwhelk or eastern mud snail in SF bay 1907 now they are the primary snail in the bay plus carry parasites which can cause outbreaks of swimmers itch. Fyi Agate beach tide pools in Bolinas have millions of these guys so wear proper foot protection which I learned the hard way by going barefoot alot there lol..and now they got sewage issues on their beaches sad!!
I keep everything out of the kitchen using other sinks/ garden hoses for tank maintenance. If you do use your kitchen sink for waste water I’d definitely advize to disinfect the area after!
I have chatted with my local wast treatment plant who said the small amount of saltwater which gets deluted from the hundreds of surrounding houses would not cause any issues. Its the food scraps kinda why so many European countries have all banned garbage disposals. Get your compost ON!
Do you have water access in the garage like washing machine so you could put the rodi there so both barrels are together? Or run a long piece of rodi tubing to the garage?
Washer and dryer is in my kitchen the rodi barrel is next to themz, while the other barrel is in the garage.
What to do with waste saltwater is an important aspect of the water change especially automated!
SF I believe is one of the only cities around here that combines the storm drains with their sewer system. During winter storms they have to treat 400-500 million gallons a day of sewage and rainwater combined. Since their treatment plants can’t handle the volume and too lesson the amount of raw sewage is pouring outa storm drains up onto city streets they allegedly open gates to release raw sewage at over a dozen locations around SF that includes 1000’s of syringes and other unimaginable items. Further more SF is suing the Environmental Protection Agency so they can release more untreated **** into our waterways lol. This is a counter lawsuit since the Feds & Ca already had lawsuits against SF for discharging untreated waste.
If your on Septic not the best idea saltwater down the drain since it may kill the beneficial bacteria.
If you have an older house chances are latterals are cast iron so the salt will really speed up the rust and cracks. But saltwater will kill roots and help stop them from blocking your sewer line lol.
Alot of our local critters use storm drains as highways so its best to only have rainwater flowing in them since they may drink plus as stated above there may be a small risk of an evasive organism depending how close to the bay or canal you live. We all remember the great invasion of the mud dogwhelk or eastern mud snail in SF bay 1907 now they are the primary snail in the bay plus carry parasites which can cause outbreaks of swimmers itch. Fyi Agate beach tide pools in Bolinas have millions of these guys so wear proper foot protection which I learned the hard way by going barefoot alot there lol..and now they got sewage issues on their beaches sad!!
I keep everything out of the kitchen using other sinks/ garden hoses for tank maintenance. If you do use your kitchen sink for waste water I’d definitely advize to disinfect the area after!
I have chatted with my local wast treatment plant who said the small amount of saltwater which gets deluted from the hundreds of surrounding houses would not cause any issues. Its the food scraps kinda why so many European countries have all banned garbage disposals. Get your compost ON!
WOW, today I learned! Interesting that the rain water is combined with sewage, absolutely crazy that they release it untreated! I don’t understand how that can happen in a california city lol
Mind sharing pictures of your set up/ links to what pumps your using.

Thats also part of the reason I kept the 2nd barrel, I planed to use one to mix saltwater. One is already used to hold rodi water. The longest run I would have is currently like 35 feet if a pump was at the bottom of the rodi barrel in my kitchen, to reach the top of the other barrel that would be in my garage where the salt could be mixed and despensed to the sump on the tank.

I guess after hearing you guys describe your setups. What I could envision for my system.

1.) Is a pump Permanently left at the bottom of the rodi container with a hose I can roll up neatly somehow capable of reaching the salt mixing barrel in the garage (maybe a switch or a smart outlet where I could instantly turn the pump off while in the garage ensuring it doesn't over fill it, or some type of automation shut of sensor like atos have).

2.) The saltwater mixing container would have a heater and some pump or wave maker capable left Permanently in it to mix and heat the water. It could also have a twin pump like the one in the rodi container with a hose that can also be rolled up when not needed that can reach the frag tank and the 200gallon tank.

3.)As far as draining the water from the 200gallon tank maybe a 3rd identical pump could also be used with a hose capable of reaching a sink. Or possibly a spot on the manifold with a quick connect for a hose to be used to drain water.

I do understand that one pump can probably be used to do all three but seems less trouble to not have to transport pumps around the house trying not to drip water everywhere. Storage Space isn’t really a issue though I doubt I would want both barrels in my kitchen even though it's always a option down the road. If I can find something nicer than a barrel that stacks and isn’t a eyesore.

***The Idea I would like the best in a perfect world would be a quick connect If there is a method that would work to where I could leave the pumps in each barrel and length or hose or pipe to reach just outside the barrel with a permanent quick connector of some type. That way I would only really need one hose that could be used to connect to the outside of each barrel to just move the water than just put that single hose away when not needed.***
You’re kind of trying to solve a lot of problems at once. I would sort out the mixing “station” (you can do this with a single pump plumbed correctly) and THEN figure out your approach to AWC. You need/want the mixing set up either way. It’s complicated by the fact that your RODI and SW barrels are in two different places but it should still be doable if you can plumb them together in the “standard” fashion with a pump in between (located at the SW barrel) that can also act as the mixer.
I haven't found the continous water change portion yet still going through ur journal. But I got to the picture of your mixing station. What you described there is almost spot on to what I'm hoping for. Not wanting to drip water everywhere and just a hose to move around seems easier and less of a chore. Meaning I would be more likely to keep up with it long term and not slack off.
I just don’t have water or a drain in my garage otherwise it would be simple.

Starts on page 12 of my journal - posts #229, 240, and then the chart on 243. If you are sincerely interested in going this route I can share a lot more info but this should give you an idea.
WOW, today I learned! Interesting that the rain water is combined with sewage, absolutely crazy that they release it untreated! I don’t understand how that can happen in a california city lol
Maybe theres a reason the most expensive neighborhoods in SF have the high ground HA!
Glad your not a fish in the bay! Ive worked in Sf for 25 years not knocking it to much just sharing some common knowledge!