So you think it would be much easier and worth it if the barrels were both side by side? I could move a shelf and put them in the corner of my kitchen kinda hidden behind the fridge. It would actually have them on the same wall as the tank. Maybe I could even get the rodi unit mounted over them on a shelf of some sort. It would require me to use slightly longer rodi lines to the sink for the drain and from the tap water supply.You’re kind of trying to solve a lot of problems at once. I would sort out the mixing “station” (you can do this with a single pump plumbed correctly) and THEN figure out your approach to AWC. You need/want the mixing set up either way. It’s complicated by the fact that your RODI and SW barrels are in two different places but it should still be doable if you can plumb them together in the “standard” fashion with a pump in between (located at the SW barrel) that can also act as the mixer.
I would only have to add about 6 -7 more feet of rodi line to each I would estimate.
If that would be a step towards continous water changes like you refrenced I would definitely be open to shuffling things around a bit.