Cali Kid Corals

Back in the hobby, new member….Im not Randy lol


Supporting Member
New member here, took me a nice long break from reefing, about 20+ years. Wife talked me back into it…..boy how things have changed! Anyways here I am back in it deep, currently reefing in a Rubbermaid tub (100 gal) while I get my custom system designed and finished. Got out the hobby with a 220 gal and getting back in where I left off. Tank is 70”x 31”x 28” with a sump 57”x24”x18”. Going with Triton system. Look forward to reading and learning what the hobby has evolved into. Pic of the stand I made for system, old sump that is not being used, it’s just what I had in there for pics.


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Love the title lol

Welcome back..I just got back from a 12 year break and things have really changed..I never thought we'd be dosing NO3 and PO4 haha

Nice set up...that stand looks solid
Love the title lol

Welcome back..I just got back from a 12 year break and things have really changed..I never thought we'd be dosing NO3 and PO4 haha

Nice set up...that stand looks solid
Thanks, yeah it’s crazy what we dose now right! I remember when 0-0-0 was the rage and vodka dosing was crazy talk! Stand is a beast! Took me a long time to make that making sure every stick was plumb, beveled, and squared.


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To bring you up to speed from 20+ years ago:

-You won't find any VHOs or Power compact bulbs...if you were looking to reuse that gear, chuck it man..Except for a toms old one still works..I'm convinced they can survive a nuclear attack now
- that "new" vortech pump that came out in 04 is now the new Tunze
- there is no H&S skimmer owners vs Euro reef skimmer owners...they no longer exist
-the 20k radion bulbs we had are now considered a whiter spectrum
- no more maxi jets on timers
- wait till you see what a yellow tang cost now haha

If you were around from when we were BARE, there's still a few of us left.on here...lurking and popping up here and there
To bring you up to speed from 20+ years ago:

-You won't find any VHOs or Power compact bulbs...if you were looking to reuse that gear, chuck it man..Except for a toms old one still works..I'm convinced they can survive a nuclear attack now
- that "new" vortech pump that came out in 04 is now the new Tunze
- there is no H&S skimmer owners vs Euro reef skimmer owners...they no longer exist
-the 20k radion bulbs we had are now considered a whiter spectrum
- no more maxi jets on timers
- wait till you see what a yellow tang cost now haha

If you were around from when we were BARE, there's still a few of us left.on here...lurking and popping up here and there
Good info, so far system is set up as follow

-Orphek Amazona 960 main display light
-Kessil refugium 360 light
-Ecotech M2 return pumps
-Vertex 200i in sump skimmer, will soon convert to life reef 36” skimmer with vectra M2 pump
- vertex phosphate and carbon reactors
- GHL profilux/ KH Director
- I’m sure there’s a few more things in there but I’m trying set this up as simple as possible.

Livestock so far
-gem tang
-sailfin tang
- damsels
- anthia
-orange stripped bristle tooth tang
- peppermint/ cleaner, and those bright red shrimp with white dots lol.
- few brittle stars

Corals….not even gonna get into the names of that mess.


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To bring you up to speed from 20+ years ago:

-You won't find any VHOs or Power compact bulbs...if you were looking to reuse that gear, chuck it man..Except for a toms old one still works..I'm convinced they can survive a nuclear attack now
- that "new" vortech pump that came out in 04 is now the new Tunze
- there is no H&S skimmer owners vs Euro reef skimmer owners...they no longer exist
-the 20k radion bulbs we had are now considered a whiter spectrum
- no more maxi jets on timers
- wait till you see what a yellow tang cost now haha

If you were around from when we were BARE, there's still a few of us left.on here...lurking and popping up here and there

:D 20K is the new whiter spectrum :D

I forgot about Euroreef. Last I heard, he was doing youtube reviews of cigars. Brian (H&S US for many years) passed away in the last two years (RIP, he was a really nice guy)

The good old BARE days, playground sand group buy anyone?