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Bangai’s bred in my tank!

Yeah, there's a reason why all these "designer" clownfish started popping up in the hobby, because breeding standard clownfish species simply wasn't profitable except at certain scales and even then there was a reason why tank bred/raised were 2-3x the cost of wild. But all those inbred mutants on the other hand! That's where the real money is! :)

edit: and by "started popping up" I mean quite a white ago, as in hobbyists would breed standard clownfish, but it wasn't proiftable.
Clownfish remind me of all the fancy goldfish mutations. Probably see those soon in clownfish.
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Noticed my male's mouth has been looking fuller than usual and the female that I got from @B the Nano Reefer is being extra clingy. Got room at your nursery for more? Haha. I can't do these and seahorses. Don't even know if I can catch and isolate him.

Hey Casey,
That face looks suspicious. It takes about 28 days but since who knows when the eggs were deposited your best bet will be to see if he is eating and if his mouth starts to stay open. Those would be the best signs to look for.
If he has babies and you can’t do it let me know. I can try and take them on.
The ones I have are reliably eating frozen calanus and some are going after R.O.E. So I can move stuff around to try and raise those guys. And maybe sell these guys soon.

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Week 15 update:
Overall no major changes. They are all reliably eating small frozen pods. Still feeding baby brine to make sure, but I think I could probably stop this by next week. I am a little hesitant. My son and I have been trying to count them. We have, I think, either 16 or 17. Started with 24. Only two confirmed losses. I suspect the others died while we were out of town and decomposed in the decorations since we never found the bodies. That was a bit of a bummer, but overall still doing pretty good. They probably didn't get enough to eat while I was away. Hence, my reluctance to stop feeding live brine.

I think we are still on track to sell them the week after new years, but anyone who is interested is going to want to have some frozen calanus since they are still too small to go after frozen enriched brine shrimp or mysis. Keep meaning to post a picture or short video clip, but I keep forgetting. They act like koi at a pond. As soon as I open the lid they school towards the surface looking for food. Need to get this on video and post it here.

Happy Holidays!!
Week 17 update:
I think this will be my last update before I post these guys for sale. I plan on posting a summary of my experience in case anyone else tries to do this. The best news I have is that they are all reliably eating calanus, pods, and I have seen a few of them go after mysis. It is pretty entertaining watching them catch the large mysis and then figure out how to swallow it. From what I can tell we have not lost any additional fish. They all seem pretty active. I plan on posting them for sale next week when I have time. I will post details about that later in the for sale post. I still have been offering baby brine shrimp, but I don't think this is necessary any more.
