Cali Kid Corals

Banggai Breeding

Yeah the male is eating now. I picked up some BBS and RN's phyto from Neptune (thanks guys!!).. I turn off the pump to make sure they eat. They all look full now :D .. Hopefully I can keep them alive.

Thanks Mitch.. I don't think I need anything now. I'm going to try to hatch BBS now. I got the kit from Eric. It's a small water change for my tank everytime I fill up the two dish :D .. Maybe my tank will look better since I have to do small wc everyday LOL ..
Elite said:
Yeah the male is eating now. I picked up some BBS and RN's phyto from Neptune (thanks guys!!).. I turn off the pump to make sure they eat. They all look full now :D .. Hopefully I can keep them alive.

Thanks Mitch.. I don't think I need anything now. I'm going to try to hatch BBS now. I got the kit from Eric. It's a small water change for my tank everytime I fill up the two dish :D .. Maybe my tank will look better since I have to do small wc everyday LOL ..

When feeding the artemia make sure to mix the product outside the tank in tank water so it mixes quickly in the culture and doesn't stay clumped together. It's important to do outside of the culture also doto it possibly clogging the "filters" on the artemia.
damn I put couple drops inside the bag. I see some still moving but some are clumped together and doesn't have much movement. Are those dead? :(
Why are they still in a bag? If you have any plans to keep them for any time at all other then for current use in the next few days you need to put them in a larger volume of water, especially since your feeding them. They're very dirty critters. BTW wash you hands after handling them and make sure you kids do the same. They're a notorious vector (Vibrio seems to be highly associated with them, even if hatched from "eggs")
I didn't know that.. Can't put them in a big container (no where to put it in the refigerator) but I will put them in a smaller container. Thanks Gresham!
Oh they don't?? Cerissa told me to put them in the fridge.. So I should get a bigger bucket and add some more salt water?? Should I add an air pump too?
For a store wanting to store them in volume the fridge is a good place. Most people still think of them coming from our Bay but most are from inland farms now and the water at them can get fairly warm. Most definitely use an air stone and keep up on the water changes as they are dirty animals!
6 days and all of them are still alive and grow a bit 8) . They are still eating live BBS. I bought the frozen BBS but doesn't look like they eat that stuff :| .

Rich, when do yours eat frozen stuff? Do you feed them anything else beside BBS?

Thanks Gresham for the info :) ... I'm putting the container inside the stand now. The wife doesn't like fish stuff in her fridge too much :(
Yike the female is releasing eggs again. Poor guy had only 7 days break :tired: . For some reasons I don't think he wants to hold the eggs this time. Normally the first day he doesn't swim out. He stays in a corner when I feed the fish. This time he swims out and checkout the food. He must be hungry..
Elite said:
6 days and all of them are still alive and grow a bit 8) . They are still eating live BBS. I bought the frozen BBS but doesn't look like they eat that stuff :| .

Rich, when do yours eat frozen stuff? Do you feed them anything else beside BBS?

Thanks Gresham for the info :) ... I'm putting the container inside the stand now. The wife doesn't like fish stuff in her fridge too much :(

I usually feed them bbs for 2 -4 weeks. Try other stuff and see what happens.
He really only liked one of them though :lol: >reminds me I need to get that avatar back!<