Our mission

BAR's New T-shirt

Hello BAR!

With the new design of our logo, it has been a long time waiting for t-shirts with the new logo. It's a rather simplistic design and there are several colors that the shirts can be in. If you're interested in seeing what it looks like in other colors, feel free to check out the design and play with the other shirt colors.

We want to hear your feedback on this design and if any of you are interested in purchasing a shirt or two. We want to get some pre-order quantities so we know the right amount of shirts to get early on. The BoD is in discussion of doing a pre-order pricing special and pricing will be announced once we have a good idea on the pre-order quantity.

Check out the new design!

Here's a live list of everyone's requested size(s) and color(s). If there's a question mark in the list, that means I'm unsure of your interest in a shirt. Please confirm if you're interested. Also, if you see that a size is missing, we'll need your size(s) as well.
  1. @jonmos75 - 1 XL black, 1 XL grey
  2. @Baykes - 1 black
  3. @Vhuang168 - 1 M black, 1 M grey
  4. @Enderturtle - 1 S black
  5. @Newjack - 1 green, 1 red
  6. @Geneva - 2 S black
  7. @wpeterson - 1 black?
  8. @Corallus - 1 grey?
  9. @rygh - 1 XL black
  10. @aqua-nut - 1 XL black
  11. @tankguy - 1 XL grey
  12. @denzil - 1 M black, 1 M purple
  13. @Apon - 1 L black
  14. @neuro - 1 M black
  15. @2manyhobbies - 1 XL black
  16. @Nav - 1 M black
  17. @HiFidelity - 1 M black, 1 M grey
  18. @ddrueckh - 1 XL black, 1 XL grey
  19. @650-IS350 - 1 XL black, 1 XL white
  20. @BillT - 2 L black
  21. @WrightReef - 1 XL black
  22. @Flagg37 - 1 M grey
  23. @POOLSCAPES - 1 XXL black, 1 XXXL black
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I will get one or two if the shirt is not white....lol

Ok got to see the other colors and Yes on two depending on cost


Looks good tho...
It's my understanding we are still open for suggestions as far as designs?

I like the black one with the orange and blue logo :D

Don't like the white.
Orange on white ... ehh.

Definitely like the black!

For the grey, the clown fish logo does not really work all that well for the front.
Hard to distinguish the shape clearly.
The order page says there are 2 print colors on the front and 3 on the back. Text looks the same to me. They would most likely be less $$ without the third color on the back.

If there are only three colors the black is the ONLY choice, IMHO! :)

Grey just looks like a white one I've worn for a while... :p:p:p