Alota good advice just remember you need to ghost feed the bacteria since theres no ammonia being added plus extra beneficial bacteria always good. A cup or two of gravel from another established tank adds more BB. Toss in a Nassarius Snail or two they sleep under the sand great cucs to stir sand beds plus a Trochus snail. Trochus snails can flip themselves over unlike alot of other snails which cant and may end up dead unless you manually check and flip back over. The finer the sand the harder to flip back over. Please read up on the dangers Especially toxins certain corals have which can be life altering! Do not dip any rocks/sand etc in hot/boiling water to clean!%#!!!(Danger) toxins can be released into air!!..Where long rubber gloves if you have fresh cuts on hands bacteria infection can happen although not super common but id rather not take that chance! Eye protection since corals can squirt especially mushrooms when grabbing rocks out of water. With basic precautions this hobby is not dangerous just do your homework! Enjoy watching life evolve sometimes the smallest are the most intriguing! I keep a few large magnifying glasses near the tanks kids love the tiny creatures!