High Tide Aquatics


congrats there I remember (barely) being glued to my tank as a kid with spawning damsels and clowns. Moe's beginner to breeder made it seem so easy (NOT).
Hey Matthew, congrats on getting them to spawn and your efforts to get to this point!

FWIW, I'd encourage you to take the "long" view and let the pair get used to spawning before you start trying to take the fry. If you disturb them too soon they will go off the spawn. However, once they get in their cycle they are usually pretty reliable. This will also give you a chance to get all your hatchout, cultivation, and growout gear setup and going which will be really important to do ahead of time.

Also read the links and suggestions that others have made ... raising is not complex (just a lot of effort, attention, and $$ investment) as long as you are extremely diligent about care and pay close attention to the instructions in the breeding guidelines. I encourage you to give it a go; perhaps you can be setup by the time school lets out for the summer as the babies will require a great deal of daily care for the first 6-8 weeks.
fingerwrinkles said:
Hey Matthew, congrats on getting them to spawn and your efforts to get to this point!

FWIW, I'd encourage you to take the "long" view and let the pair get used to spawning before you start trying to take the fry. If you disturb them too soon they will go off the spawn. However, once they get in their cycle they are usually pretty reliable. This will also give you a chance to get all your hatchout, cultivation, and growout gear setup and going which will be really important to do ahead of time.

Also read the links and suggestions that others have made ... raising is not complex (just a lot of effort, attention, and $$ investment) as long as you are extremely diligent about care and pay close attention to the instructions in the breeding guidelines. I encourage you to give it a go; perhaps you can be setup by the time school lets out for the summer as the babies will require a great deal of daily care for the first 6-8 weeks.

I have decided to raise the clowns for the fun of it and I'll take your advice and let them get used to their cycle for a few months. I've been reading websites for the last few months and I had my mom order Joyce Wilkerson's book for my birthday (which I finished reading in 2 days). I know the basics of how to raise them, but I'll probably still have lots of questions. Also, I was wondering if you had a rotifer culture and a phytoplankton culture. If so, would you sell some to get me started when I need them in a few months? What kind of rotifer culturing tank set-up do you use? Thanks! :)
I had my mom to order me a rotifer starter kit on Sunday. I ordered the 2-day shipping, and it got here overnight! Turns out they were just miles from me. :bigsmile:
Right now I'm acclimating the rotifers to their new bucket. I also got my rearing tank set up (without water). There are about 50-75 eggs now. They are a brow-orange color (more brown than orange) and they have silver tips, but they aren't completely silver so I think they'll hatch on Thursday. :)
Thanks! :)

I got the rotifers acclimated, and I was wondering exactly how dense their water should be with food? It is a very light green. I'll take a picture and hopefully someone can tell me if I need more or less. I was smart and I ordered extra food! So now I can feed them for up to 4 months! :bigsmile:
Also, I have an Air Stone in there to provide aeration. Should the bubbles be controlled so that they don't cause current or is it OK for them to cause a small current?
Assuming you got those from us, there should be instructions in the box, no?


or email us and we'll answer your questions ;)
GreshamH said:
Assuming you got those from us, there should be instructions in the box, no?


or email us and we'll answer your questions ;)

Yeah I got them from you and I got the instructions. I just want to make sure that my water has the right density of food for healthy rotifers. :)
click on the link and go where I said, you will see pictures.

Split Pee soup green.
Congrats to BAR's littlest reefer, haha :D

Glad to see you searching out information and advice.

Even better to see you applying it!
Thanks! :)

Today when I checked the eggs they were light brown with silver tips, and both eyes are visible. Maybe I'll have some babies by Friday! The tank temperature has been higher these past few days with the eggs, probably about 83F tops. I've read that higher temperature help the eggs develop faster, but after they hatch I'll slowly bring it back down to 80F. I've noticed that my anemones seem to be much happier in higher temperatures like 82F opposed to 78F. In 82F they stay inflated 24/7, and they open up huge during the day. In 78F they deflate at night and open up about 4/5 of the way. Overall, eggs are doing fine and I'm expecting them to hatch in 2-3 days. :)
The female is actually helping take care of them! The male is the one that checks on them constantly, but sometimes in the day the female will go over and fan the eggs.
Expanding huge can also be a bad thing... reaching for more o2/light