got ethical husbandry?

Best skimmer to replace my ELOS Natural 500

Is Ed at KM still around? Might want to shoot him an email to see what he has in stock, unless things changed (economy could have done him in for all I know), he is/was a local distributor of the higher end skimmers, Deltec, BK, ATi, H&S, ATB, etc. Might be worth an email just to compare his prices, great thing is he's local (San Francisco), most likely can do any online price, and maybe even a *wink* *nod* price :D Plus no worries of shipping either, you pay, and you go home and play.. none of that biting your nails looking for the FedEx/UPS/USPS guy to show up.
awesome, thanks xcaret for measuring the area!

mike: yeah I know Ed, he even facebook friended me =) I will talk to him as well. I think I either bought or sold something of mine to him at some point...
Maybe your tank was just too darn clean for the skimmer to function properly. Based on the several pics that I saw of your system, it look like it was almost sterile in there and you had a small bio-load.
nanoguy said:
Maybe your tank was just too darn clean for the skimmer to function properly. Based on the several pics that I saw of your system, it look like it was almost sterile in there and you had a small bio-load.

That might be true! But I had five anthias in there, two clowns, and a bellus genicanthus. I fed the tank 3 to 4 times a day... oh and then my tunze 9002 skimmer did pull junk out. The thing is, at that time maybe something was out of wack, because I don't remember cleaning it specifically at that time.

Anyway, I guess after today's cleaning I'll figure out if it's going to work or not. I just kicked up a ton of crap cleaning the tank, so it better skim something ;)
Art, the Alpha 200 is very good. It comes with two tubes for the pump inlet, and I have to use the small one (less air and water flow I think) to keep it from overflow. With the small tube, I can easily pull half a skimmer cup of dark skimmate in two days of time. For my old Euroreef skimmer with Eheim pump, I probably kept the water level 4 inches from the top of the cup to get reasonable skimmate. WIth the Alpha, the water level (after feeding) is probably between 8" to 10" from the top of the cup, and it still put out good amount of skimmate. The red dragon pump is almost silent.
I'd steer clear of anything using the Red Dragon. The recall on the return pump kinda turned me off... as the problems they were having are kinda a big deal.