
BIG tank moving help wanted

Not my gig man. Just a semi spectator, I am betting though Mario may need all the containers he can get his hands on.Tthere is lots of stuff.
Apon said:
Mario - where to hell are you going to store this beast?

Yep, where?
Congrats Mario! I can't wait to see this tank of a tank reborn again near my hood, hopefully.
I would lend a hand but I am affraid of dropping the ball, so I'll just go and take notes of Dana Riddel. :)
...taking a little snack, guess one more hour to hit the bed.

Tank's going to be filled with air for a while, keeping it at home since is way easier to bring it in than the basement I normally place my junk in.
I appreciate all the help Saturday the 10th.
I'm thinking pizza for lunch.
Tank should fit in the suburban I borrowed today but my lazy but does not want to make two trips to pick the stand and canopy.
I'll check with Bryan to set a time for Saturday.
I don't drink but if you guys want beer please vote on which one, Safeway is a lucky block away !
did you decide what time yet? besides the meeting I have another event to attend. LMK so I can confirm if I can help.
My car can fit a lot of stuff too, if needed.

Also I have a 150g rubbermaid tub if you are swapping tanks and need a place to put things temporarily. It's empty and stored at the moment, so you could pick it up. I'm in the middle of my work week but I could have my roommate show you where it is.

Also I don't drink beer, but pizza sounds great. I owe you about ten favors anyway. :p

I put in for a half day to checkout Dana's talk, but it seems you have more pressing matters. What time are you starting ?


LMK if you need any help breaking things down tonight.
Yes it was a sad sad sight... the only saving grace is that the tank lights were not up, so I didn't have to actually be reminded how nice it looked
Those willing to help LMK what time will work best; am (before the meeting) or later in the afternoon.
I honestly forgot about being the second Saturday and BAR meeting in Hayward.

Thx !
Back in the city after a long weekend and a loooooooooooooonger drive.
Can we set the move after the meeting? seems to work since volunteers will be driving back from Hayward.
