
Bigfish's swim into the sea - a tank journal


Here's hopefully a little better picture of how it looks

Picture is a bit blurry but are you sure it's not just algae growing on the dead skeleton? If it's only isolated to the dead skeleton I would turn off flow and just clip that skeleton out and use a container in the tank to move the cut pieces into to minimize it floating and spreading in the water to other places.
Picture is a bit blurry but are you sure it's not just algae growing on the dead skeleton? If it's only isolated to the dead skeleton I would turn off flow and just clip that skeleton out and use a container in the tank to move the cut pieces into to minimize it floating and spreading in the water to other places.
I can just pull it off it's not glued in thankfully! when I see it in person it does have "air bubbles" at the tips of the algae, from what I remember (a long time ago) Dinos tended to do that
Your nutrients are perfectly fine, not elevated at all. Many would consider these ideal.

If you recently added the dead birdsnest, there’s going to be all kinds of ugly crap growing on it for a while - including Dino’s. This is also nothing to worry about. This is just standard ugly stage / benthic progression happening on a new addition with lots of surface area.

I would personally remove it because I want live coral in my tank for decoration as opposed to dead coral but there’s no real emergency here to worry about IMO. If you’re seeing this stuff everywhere in the tank or this birdsnest was not recently added then maybe you have something going on here.
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Your nutrients are perfectly fine, not elevated at all. Many would consider these ideal.

If you recently added the dead birdsnest, there’s going to be all kinds of ugly crap growing on it for a while - including Dino’s. This is also nothing to worry about. This is just standard ugly stage / benthic progression happening on a new addition with lots of surface area.

I would personally remove it because I want live coral in my tank for decoration as opposed to dead coral but there’s no real emergency here to worry about IMO. If you’re seeing this stuff everywhere in the tank or this birdsnest was not recently added then maybe you have something going on here.
I'm not sure how long @FreahSaltyGuy had the bird nest in the tank but I would venture to say it wasn't very recent, when I bought the tank I didn't see any signs of this on there, hopefully its something that doesn't spread all over my tank, I think when I get home for lunch I will go ahead and remove it just in case
What's your CUC situation? Do you have any snails? If so, try grabbing a couple and put on that birdsnest and see if they start eating any of the stuff that's growing.
to be honest it probably could be better, I have a scopes tang and just added a white tail bristle tooth! I thought these guys were supposed to be good at algae grazing, but regardless I should look into adding more CUC as @Hamada kindly mentioned when I met him! Where would you recommend I get some? From the little I know they don't have to be QT and are relatively safe to add (don't carry any diseases that can harm fish)
to be honest it probably could be better, I have a scopes tang and just added a white tail bristle tooth! I thought these guys were supposed to be good at algae grazing, but regardless I should look into adding more CUC as @Hamada kindly mentioned when I met him! Where would you recommend I get some? From the little I know they don't have to be QT and are relatively safe to add (don't carry any diseases that can harm fish)
Snails should take care of the smaller stuff like diatoms and film algaes. The tangs should take care of the bigger stuff.

Snails can absolutely harbor bad stuff (ich, aptasia, unwanted algaes, etc.), but most people don't QT their inverts. Support your local LFS if you can and QT if you can/want just to be safe. sells QT'd inverts online, kinda pricey, but time is money and proper QT takes time.
Just wanted to do a little update forgot to do it earlier, big shout out and thank you to @Reefer Madness! He kindly was able to come down and took a peek, upon further inspection we figured out thankfully it was NOT Dino :) probably a type of hair algae. Will probably end up just taking out the bird nest anyways, just need to pick up some glue or putty to hold down my corals before hand.