got ethical husbandry?

Biomedia Reactor donation/sale?


Supporting Member
Greeting Fellow BARFERS -

Does anyone have an unused/unwanted reactor for biopellets that has worked well for them but is no longer needed. I have slightly elevated Nitrates (~40ppm) in a recently cycled tank I cannot bring down and wanted to try pellets as a low-maintenance, reliable solution to help bring them lower. I initially tried to make an unused canister filter the reactor but due to the larger diameter I could not achieve high enough flow rate to tumble the pearls. Donations welcome but I am willing to pay if reasonable and fair. Thanks yall!!
Why not just dose vinegar? So much easier...
I could I guess. I'm just trying to design the filtration system as fire-and-forget as possible. Being at home all the time now is fine, I screw with something on the tank a few times a day. But theoretically... at some point... life should return to normal and I will be away from the house for much of each day and we will take vacations and all that. I want a tank that can take care of itself to a large degree.

That being said, until I get a reactor or decide to take another route, I began Vodka dosing last night.
I use marine pure 8x8x4 blocks... the reduce nitrates... and unfortunately, can reduce nitrates to 0... Cheaper, simpler solution.

The thickness mimics a DSB...