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black and sohal tang compatibility

are they pretty aggressive fish? i saw them yesterday at the old sun aquarium and i was wondering whether they'll fight if i put them in the same tank.
How big of a tank are you taking about? You can find threads on RC's fish forum talking about sohal tangs. Most people recommend as much as 200g and that you add them very last. The majority of the sohal owners say they can be bully's. But they are on RC's logo for a reason, they are beautiful fish. I can't speak to black tangs.
Sohal is known to be an aggressive tang regardless of what it's tanked with, however it's not a guaranteed bloodbath by any means :D

Fish of the Zebrasoma species can be aggressive as well, more so towards their own species, at least in "small" tanks which goes to Levi's question, how big of a tank are you talking?

Personally if it was me, and as expensive as black tangs are, I wouldn't risk it at all.
Your odds are very high that there will be Fighting. Sohols are not only really sensitive, they're extremely aggressive, even to owners hands.
Ssshhoooo. I'm safe :) I saw replies from Mike and Gresham and I thought for sure I said something wrong again :D In case it's not obvious that's a complement to Mike and Gresh. In other words always listen to them over me. :)

The best results I've read about keeping this fish come down to how much do you like your fingers? jk :D Read about them, it seems you will have a better change of keeping it in a large tank after it's been well established but even then you may get a flat out ornery bully that wants to be the boss of the tank. hth
[quote author=sfsuphysics link=topic=4429.msg53918#msg53918 date=1219951141]
Levi: I'd hardly consider myself an expert in this hobby to the point that my word should be taken as gospel for anyone :D


+1 :)

Me neither Mike :D