
Br-Ian Favia

Slowly this has grown into two nice frags for me. Great color, but moving it out of my tank so both frags available.

Only photo I could find was right after fragging. Center frag now moving onto the plug, and lower right frag covering the top of the rock. Lost the third frag shortly after fragging.
With a name like Br-Ian Favia, could it be any more fancy? Frags are twice the size of what I originally received. More bang for no buck.

Two frags available this Saturday. Lets do this first come first served, rather than choose a number.
update photo thanks to Ian.

The mother colony has grown onto my cutting board bottom or I would make more. Think it is up to about 100 + eyes now. Not sure if Ian still has his half of this piece.

Under RB Blue LED's only

Under regular lighting