
Bright Green Monti Cap

I got these at the swap and made accidental frags. They are green with bright green polyps. I have two frags available. One is 3/4" and the other is 1/3", both on plugs. Pickup at the April meeting. :)

Standard DBTC rules apply.
I recently lost all the montis from my display tank due to a recurring plague of nudibranchs. I luckily had frags of several montis in my frag tank but didn't manage to save either of my green montis. I'd be happy to grow up some larger monti chunks for fragging and to put back in my display tank once the nudibranchs have starved (I'm waiting until the end of May to be extra sure).
It's more of a rich green. By bright I didn't mean neon-like. Like this...


It is completely covered in polyps that extend far upwards and appear almost velvety. It is very fast growing. I'm pretty sure it's a cap, as that is what it was labeled when I got it at the swap. I forgot to get a pic but I'll try to get one soon.
I put the frag on a rock on the sandbed about a month ago and it's encrusted on the rock. It's four times the size it was a few months ago and is rapidly spreading over the entire rock. Soon I should have an entirely green rock that I can start busting chunks off of.
No wonder my alk is being used up so quickly. This thing won't stop encrusting.


I can break from pieces off the side if anyone wants some. The purple one next to it will be in DBTC soon.

EDIT: It looks just as green, if not more green, from the side.