
Broken ORP Probe...Concerns?

So I noticed today that my ph was swinging wildly from 7.77-8.1. It was sending all sorts of alarms from the apex which is awesome. So I take out my probe holder and look at the probe and it looks good. Then I look at the other probes just for good measure and I notice the metallic probe tip from my ORP probe was exposed. Not sure how long it was broken because I don’t even use the ORP probe. I stopped using it when I got the Kh Guardian About 6 months ago. Laziness made me not remove it entirely.

I bet I broke it during the tank move a few months ago.

Anyway, this probe wasn’t even hooked up and as soon as I removed it the ph stabilized. Weird right? Probably a coincidence.

Is there any chance that this is the cause of high lithium readings on my ICP tests?
Unsure on if it's of any concern, but electrical leaks are one cause of pH probe issues, so I'm not hugely surprised that an exposed probe caused issues with a different nearby probe.
Unsure on if it's of any concern, but electrical leaks are one cause of pH probe issues, so I'm not hugely surprised that an exposed probe caused issues with a different nearby probe.

Yeah it’s just not plugged in. My ph started to go all over the place again. I’m calibrating now.
Might not hurt to stick a DMM in and make sure one of your pumps isn’t starting to cause a stray voltage issue. When you say “all over”, what sort of range are you referring to?
Drifting calibration usually makes pH probe values shift, but I haven’t seen it make them jumpy.
I really wish we could get the actual scaling factors on these in use and not just ‘counts’ at the time of calibration.
You can get that info on Apogee sensors, but not from Apex pH probes AFAIK.