Reef nutrition

Bruce went "Overboard" Tank Journal

More to come. Saturday Jester6 will be here for the rockwork. I am trying something new here. We will be using shelf rock as the base of the build. This will leave just enough spaces in between for some sand to accommodate wrasses, etc, but still make cleaning easy, and allowing lots of good base to grow encrusting corals and Chalices. From there we will build tiers of more shelf maximizing space for SPS colonies.

LOL... great minds...

My plan for the office tank was to use shelf as the floor of the tank. Getting it as close to the vertical glass as I can.
Building rockwork on top of the base.
For wrasses, I'll build a sand bed a few inches deep in the back. Probably right under the overflow box.
LOL... great minds...

My plan for the office tank was to use shelf as the floor of the tank. Getting it as close to the vertical glass as I can.
Building rockwork on top of the base.
For wrasses, I'll build a sand bed a few inches deep in the back. Probably right under the overflow box.

That's the plan!!!
So would the wrasse keep the sand sifted and clean? Or how are you going to reach the back center of a 3’ deep tank to clean some sand?
Bruce rappelling over his tank to clean the sand in back

Wow, the rock work looks fantastic! Looks like a real slide of a wild reef.

Looks like your sump takes up all the space in the cabinet (or is there room in front/behind?) Where are you putting your Trident? Is there any ventilation in your sump cabinet?
Wow, the rock work looks fantastic! Looks like a real slide of a wild reef.

Looks like your sump takes up all the space in the cabinet (or is there room in front/behind?) Where are you putting your Trident? Is there any ventilation in your sump cabinet?

The sump is 48X18X16. The ato next to it is another 12" wide so they do take up the front. However, since the tank is 36" deep there's still another 18" in the back. I'll put the two UV's there.

Each side of the stand has a built in electrical compartment (pics below.) I've got the Trident and all Apex gear set up on one side, and all pumps, etc on the other. I just started on it today so there are still wires showing, but I got all but an L2 return controller mounted.

The back of the cabinet is open and about 68" out from the wall for ventilation. I'll probably mount a small fan in there as well.

Here's a pic (box trim comes in black as well), I got a fish room so ascetics are not an issue for me. I just like the ability to make custom controls without having to use my iPad/iphone.
Screen Shot 2019-09-01 at 8.29.40 PM.png