Cali Kid Corals

BTA Question

I'll keep everybody updated on my anemones. So far my clowns won't go near them other than to steal their food right out of the anemone's mouth! :bigsmile:
My six line wrasse (about 1") swam directly into my anemone and went through it looking for food touching all the tentacles and is continuing doing it right now. It is unharmed and the anemone isn't eating it. The wrasse it actually going in the anemone and my clownfish won't even go near it! |(
How is the wrasse surviving?
I can't say my anemone is hosting my clowns, but they seem to hang around it a lot. During the day they are under it next to the foot and at night they go into the anemone but come out and sleep in the sand about an hour later. The male nips at the tentacles sometimes and also likes to pick at its mouth and try to get food. But he hasn't caused any damage... yet. :bigsmile: