Cali Kid Corals

Bubble tip 'nem

I had been waiting to add a pic to the chain once the nem was happy and puffed up in the new tank. But it has been busy splitting! I was able to snag a pic of it mid split which was pretty neat. Thanks again for the beautiful bta @Corallus
Wrong photo?

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I think the reflection from the super bright light I was using makes it hard to see, but that pic shows it splitting on a rock near the sandbed. These splits have both walked up my rocks and are living the high life now. They have their feet in some deep holes, but I can grab one if someone is interested in one from this line. Just reply on this thread

here’s a pic of the two of them, one is closed up eating or pooping.
I have two babies from this nem family, pick up in San. Pablo, please post your tank journal url.

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Fluval Evo 5-Tank journal

I would love to have one. Thanks.

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I did some rearranging in the 'nem tank this weekend, and pulled out 3 that are ready to be passed on. One is spoken for, so I have 2 more ready for pickup, the sooner the better.
Adding a couple of pics... maybe I need to give these guys a colorful name to get people excited :p, here's a quick iphone pic of some in the group (not wysiwyg, but they all look the same)

And top down, colors always look nicer this way

Note, the green one at the bottom is from a different line, and I don't have one of those available.
It’s actually a toadstool. The bta’s moved in after it had been growing a there a while. Haven’t killed it, but stress it out for sure.
I should have a DBTC thread for baby toadstools too...
I’ve got another decent size one of these that I can easily get off the back glass of my tank if someone is interested. It’s probably about 5” or so across when it’s open and happy.
Hey @toutou2469, happy to pass this to you - I will ask one favor though, can you start a tank journal? It’s nice to be able to see where it’s going to go, and plus other DBTC‘s will probably ask for a link to one too ;)
I caught another one walking!
It's a little small, maybe 3" open, from the same peach/rose/green group.
Pickup at my place in SF/South of Market - priority given to someone who can pick it up soon.

Any idea how to get them walking. I have two i would love to pass on but they refuse to move. Has the power head on them. Just close up a bit but won’t move.

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