Hi John,
I have not looked into the 2 part dosing before. One thing have been interested in with the reactor was it's ability to buffer and stabalize the PH in the tank along with the dosing effects. Does the 2 part help with any of that, or hinder? I will look up some stuff about it in the next few days. Thanks!
I have actually read a LOT of stuff from the Barrot report (Ian gave me a bunch of links) as well as some from Planted tanks that I found in Google searches. Good stuff and VERY thorough!
As for the reactor itself, I have simply been going by reviews. The GEO has a lot of good reviews out there including full articles. Most of the other brands are difficult to find information on. Seems they are all similar in some ways, but a LOT of different designs out there makes it hard to make a decision. I am open to ANY recommendations on other reactors. Some others I have considered are the Reef Octopus, Aqua C, Korallin, Nextreef, Vertex, Lifereef and of coarse GEO. I have a few months to make this decision, so I appreciate the info. Gives me a chance to read up on it.
Nice meeting you John and Jim. Tuberider and Ian, I am sorry if I missed ya at the meeting. Next time.