I have a 46 gallon bow with an overflow (but not bulit in). The overflow falls into a 10 gallon sump. The return pump currently is a quiet one 1200. I have also tried the Maxi-Jet 1200 and the Ehiem 1250 as a return pump and I can't stand the loud hum that all the pumps give off. My tank is in my living room which is next to the dining room and kitchen and you can hear the hum from each pump in those rooms and well into the bedrooms. I have tried wrapping the pumps with foam and putting foam on the bottom of the tank. I even tried putting pillows and towels under the cabinet to abzorb the noise. Any suggetions or suggestion on a different pump. I also have a Mag 3 and 5 pump which I usually use to mix saltwater with and those are even noiser. Please help!