High Tide Aquatics

Can't help myself... yet another new tank build

Beautiful tank! Let me know about suction cups but when we moved our 90g tank, it was my husband and three other guys (I didn’t even make the cut), and it was still tough. Recommend as much help as you can get!
Just taunting me... goes into my office yonder. So close but yet.... tsk.

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Thats how I felt when my 750xxl came in... felt like a ton. Sat in my driveway for a day until I was lucky enough to call enough people.

If you need help moving it, let me know. Im mostly free anytime as long as I know a day in advance to plan schedule.

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The straps worked! I think that's the way to go for all rank moves. My wife is pretty small framed but using the straps it wasn't too bad at all. Once we got it on the stand, I just wiggled things here and there to adjust

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Thats how I felt when my 750xxl came in... felt like a ton. Sat in my driveway for a day until I was lucky enough to call enough people.

If you need help moving it, let me know. Im mostly free anytime as long as I know a day in advance to plan schedule.

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Thanks for the offer!

I thought about the 750xxl, then 625xxl, and then finally to just this 85G... can only imagine what a 725xxl installation would be like...

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The straps worked! I think that's the way to go for all rank moves. My wife is pretty small framed but using the straps it wasn't too bad at all. Once we got it on the stand, I just wiggled things here and there to adjust

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Lol, wow, your wife making us all look bad. I used suction cups and 4 guys for my 110g. Maybe straps ARE the way to go.

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Decided to pull the trigger on an 85G Aqua Japan deal I found on CL.

$800 for glass tank, stand, 95W LED lights and about 30G sump. Not a bad deal...

So figured why not. Originally intended on upgrading my Fluval 13.5G but having a hard time coming to terms with breaking down an awesome well-established tank.

Pics soon... just put the stand together and need to figure out plumbing.

It comes predrilled with 2 holes... one 2.25" and another 1.5" for a durso style drain and return. Contemplating converting that to a Herbie style drain setup and running a return over the edge instead... hmmm...
I would definitely convert to a herbie, as I had a durso that just would not get quiet until I put a gate valve on it (which is kinda risky because there is no emergency). However instead of your return going over the top, just drill another hole at the top near the overflow. It’ll look much cleaner and you can hide almost all the plumbing behind the overflow.

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I was thinking I was going to make a bean animal /durso hybrid with an emergency drain herbie-style.

The down side of the bean animal mod is that it stick out higher but it is super quiet without adjusting the gate/ball valve.

With a full Herbie, do you think there are risks for flooding the sump? This is the one I worry about most with my hardwood floors

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What the heck is a bean animal durso hybrid with a herbie drain? All three in one?

I also don’t get why a bean animal mod will stick up higher compared to a herbie? It’s just an extra emergency standpipe but it can give you more leeway in terms of silent running. I debated whether to have herbie or bean animal on my frag tank, and herbie is just much easier to plumb and can be as silent.

Also your concern about overflowing the sump is all about the sump you choose, where you place your ato level and how far your return will siphon down. I bet I’m not understanding the question.

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The bean animal style durso incorporates a siphon hose on top and because of the down turn spout you would have to raise it a bit higher for the desired water level. The T connection between the intake and the top cap makes it taller... here's the one I put on my shroom tank.

Th Herbie style uses two vertical pipe, one primary, one emergency.

A full bean animal has a secondary and an emergency...

So was gonna use a bean animal durso with siphon (self tuning) and a vertical emergency

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Almost ready.... a few more gallons of water, some cycle tests, and the slow migration can begin from my old tank...

...except for my pig of a mandarin. She will probably need to hang back until the pod population is up in the new tank...

Though, I was on the fence since I would bring over all the other rock work and pod hotel too so might be OK. But given that she's been with me the longest, I don't wanna risk her.

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Noticed this weird webbing on my rock this morning. Any ideas?

Rock was dry but sand is l live-ish. I keep a tub of live sand soaked in NSW at all times. Never know when the need to build tanks takes over me :)


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The migration has begun!

Not totally happy with the rock work yet... I was happy before I moved my old LR over. But feel like it could be better laid out..

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Moved all my rocks over. Liking the scaping more...

Fish also moved over except for "pig" my spotted mandarin until the pods get established in new system, and a niger trigger in my pest tank. The trigger loves hiding and sleeping in a crack in a rock I have in that tank. Can't get it out... So gotta noodle on a plan... :/

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Updated tanks shot... still can't figure out where my tripod fish went... saw it before leaving for work, and couldn't find it after I got back... tsk.

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