Reef nutrition



Supporting Member
It looks like Friday may be the only day I can go for the upcoming CFM in September. For folks that have gone to VIP night before, is it worth it? Will the corals be open that night or do they look more open/better on Saturday?
CFM etiquette question.

When I go to CFM I never haggle on the price but should I be? In some markets, vendors increase the price knowing that haggling is expected and the price that they want is less. Experiencing CFM multiple times, I do see haggling and I do see people get better deals than I do.

The question is: Do you haggle why/why not?
CFM etiquette question.

When I go to CFM I never haggle on the price but should I be? In some markets, vendors increase the price knowing that haggling is expected and the price that they want is less. Experiencing CFM multiple times, I do see haggling and I do see people get better deals than I do.

The question is: Do you haggle why/why not?
This past CFM was my first one and I picked up a decent amount of corals and honestly I felt like the prices were already good so I didn’t feel the need to haggle
CFM etiquette question.

When I go to CFM I never haggle on the price but should I be? In some markets, vendors increase the price knowing that haggling is expected and the price that they want is less. Experiencing CFM multiple times, I do see haggling and I do see people get better deals than I do.

The question is: Do you haggle why/why not?

I never do.

At the start, not a real time to haggle. Last few hours of Saturday, haggle on!
I always do, if the coral is $100+
This hobby is expensive. Doesn't hurt to ask.

Personally, I don't think VIP is worth it unless you live close and can go on Saturday as well. VIP ticket allows you to go both days. The last time I went to a VIP night a few years ago only about 75% of the vendors are set up. Saturday around 1-3pm is better so you can participate in the raffle as well.
CFM etiquette question.

When I go to CFM I never haggle on the price but should I be? In some markets, vendors increase the price knowing that haggling is expected and the price that they want is less. Experiencing CFM multiple times, I do see haggling and I do see people get better deals than I do.

The question is: Do you haggle why/why not?
I do not haggle at the beginning. I will ask prices and write down stuff im interested in to go back to.
If you want the best deals, do this and then go back at the end of the day Saturday when haggling is more accepted. You have to be willing to lose a few of the corals if they get sold in the meantime.

The exception, for me, is if you purchase 3+ corals from the same dealer. If that’s the case and they don’t already have some bulk purchase discount posted then I wouldn’t be afraid to ask.
I always haggle but I enjoy it. I think the easiest/most respectful way to haggle though is by proposing group discounts. Do some quick math in your head and offer to buy 2-3 pieces at a significantly lower rate in total. It's typically well received, makes sense, and has a good chance of success compared to trying to talk down the price of a single frag.
I always haggle but I enjoy it. I think the easiest/most respectful way to haggle though is by proposing group discounts. Do some quick math in your head and offer to buy 2-3 pieces at a significantly lower rate in total. It's typically well received, makes sense, and has a good chance of success compared to trying to talk down the price of a single frag.
I feel like you were the guy behind me a couple of CFM's ago asking the vendor if you could get 2 pieces for $300, when the original price is $200 each. lol