Cali Kid Corals

Chaeto question

Wondering if anyone could give me some advice on my chaeto. Will a energy efficient 65w light bulb work to keep this thing alive? So far I've had this in my sump about 1 month and I don't see any growth. Some parts are dying but the parts dying is on the top where the light hits. I'm using a 65w energy efficient light bulb about 4"-6" above the chaeto and this light does not give off any heat at all.

Also, if anyone is interested I need some chaeto and would trade some of my Lavender Mushrooms or Frags of Frog Spawn.
I have mostly small fish and a couple medium size tangs. CUC is pretty good too. My nitrates and phosphates are always at zero, so I've been assuming there isn't enough food for the chaeto?
I found an energy saving 6500K lamp at Ace hardware, works OK so far. If you're interested in refugium bulbs, I'd highly recommend looking at Marc's writeup on them:
kinetic said:
I found an energy saving 6500K lamp at Ace hardware, works OK so far. If you're interested in refugium bulbs, I'd highly recommend looking at Marc's writeup on them:
This is the bulb that I use, and I have found that i need to trim back my chaeto at least once a month
I have used the bulb described on melevsreef--it is great, lasts for a year of continuous use, longer if it is on a timer. First, I used it for the fuge attached to my 60 gallon display tank. Grew chaeto relatively quickly. Right now, I am using it on the fuge attached to my 29 gallon display tank. I have no fish in my nano tank (just live rock, live sand and coral), resulting in very few nutrients for the chaeto, and very slow growth. Have learned that chaeto thrives in conditions where it can tumble around and expose all sides to the light.
Since Marc wrote that finding a 6500K bulb is a lot easier since they're becoming more common. Personally I don't like it as a lighting source because it's too blue, however using one over a fuge great... you could probably also get away with a soft white bulb as well. I think the ones the horticulture guys use are closer to 4000K
OK, something is really weird. I bought a new daylight flood lamp at 6700k, equivalent to 65w. I threw my green star polyps in the sump because it was growing like mad in the display and this sump light is working outstanding for the polyps but my chaeto is still slowly disappearing. There is plenty of flow and the chaeto is now small enough where it's tumbling.

I just don't get why my chaeto is disappearing. Anyhow, if anyone knows somebody in the Brentwood area that has clean chaeto, pls let me know. I'll trade or purchase from them.
Also, I did catch a stone crab and put him in the sump. This crab doesn't eat chaeto, does it? Cause he just ate $20 bucks worth in 2 weeks.

Edit: Just read on wikipedia that these crabs are carnivorous so nvm on that idea.
I wish I had that luxury, but I don't know many reefers out here that would just give it away to a stranger. I hate dosing with phos guard stuff so chaeto seems to be the best option for me.