Reef nutrition

Chemical Warfare – Softie vs LPS

I have two hammers that are getting too big for the nano. I’d like to move them to the DT, however, the DT is completely softie dominated at this time. So….

1) No issue go and move them it only really affects sps
2) Move them but run carbon (if so carbon recommendations needed)

GreshamH said:
We only get two options?

if it's a complete no go than the 3rd option is fragging and returning them to the nano.......kinda wanted to avoid this one as they're looking really good.

Should you have suggestions for a 4th or 5th option please share... :)

Coral reefer said:
That confuses me...I'd only worry about them touching stuff...

I've read about chemical warfare but have no practical experience with it. This may be a complete non-issue.

What sort of softies are in there? Only ones I've remotely heard of using "chemical warfare" are leathers... and even then I heard from a guy who heard from a guy... i.e. I'm ignorant on the subject :D

That said I wouldn't worry about the hammer, except for maybe the fact the hammer will destroy anything it touches.
the DT is full of various leathers. at least 5 good sized ones and another 4 smaller and a couple of frags....

I'm into leather :)
