
Cleaning filter socks - How do you do it?

How do you all clean your filter socks? Last night I attempted cleaning one of mine and it didn't work out all to well. I blasted it with my kitchen faucet, turned it inside out, rubbed it into itself, took it into the shower, took off the shower head and blasted it with water and still, didn't really clean it. It's still all brown and there's a lot of particulate stuck in there.

So what do you do to clean your filter socks?
I asked this question a month or two ago and it seems like the general consensus is to run them through the washing machine with bleach. Just make sure to run it once without soap/bleach if you use it during the first wash. I'm adopting other reefers' methods by buying a lot of filter socks since I have to change them out once every 2 weeks or so. Once I have a bunch of dirty ones, I'll run them through the washer.
Cool, thanks Durwin... Sorry for the repost all. Looks like I have to do the same, buy a few more filter socks so it makes it worth the $2.00 to use the washing machine in my place.
I have 8 of them that I circulate through. When it comes time to clean them I throw them in the wash with a little bleach and a little oxyclean. Then I just let them dry for a couple days before using them.
Make sure whenever you do it your SO isn't around, or if your at the laundrymat nobody is around. I have enough socks for a full load every other week or so and the g/f does not appreciate the smell of bleach and decaying aquarium matter.
i picked up all mine from MD along with some other stuff I needed. Was able to get the free shipping... their good socks... at a good price... and I got them in 3 days.
Why didn't I think of getting them online? I was pay twice as much at the LFS! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for supporting the brick and mortar, but wow. Right now I have three I cycle throw ... I guess mine don't get as dirty as some others might though. I just take mine outside, and rinse it inside out with the hose on the "jet" setting. Usually it is sufficient for me.
I use the 4" ring version... I believe I get them for $6.99 a piece through MD... that's no tax and no shipping also if you order enough stuff.
I am thinking about getting the one with a drawstring, rather than the plastic rim -the plastic rim in the ones I have don't even hold the filter sock up anymore :(
Ant you can get socks with a large flexible ring that will mount just fine, the drawstring socks are kind of a PITA because most setups aren't designed to accommodate a drawstring.

This is the filter sock I am using -those two curved pieces of plastic on the inside of the top of the sock are what is giving me trouble. After a couples uses, they are no longer able to hold up the weight of the sock (with water running through it), and the sock ends up falling off (PITA).
Can you link me to a picture, or a product page with the type of sock you're talking about Jeremy?
I think most of the plastic rings are made about the same... I'd look at what it is that they are resting on that supports them instead. If the ring is supported well it should perform well.
I get the large ones from Mingwei, I've seen tham at Aquatic Gallery as well. They have a 7.5" diameter neck with a flexible ring inside of the neck, I can't find anything like them online.