
Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

What is something you guys think a local club like bar could do to help the overall hobby? Is there a project or experiment we could do or help fund etc…?
Do you think expanding dbtc outside of our local club would be beneficial to other regions?
Today is the day guys!! Still have spots left! If you plan on coming, please register. If you are not coming and want to submit a topic discussion or question please do so via the link! Can’t wait to see everyone there!
I am bringing a bunch of BBstag for the folks that siad they want it. There will be extra as well.
I am also going to bring some tuxedo urchins (not small) if anyone wants them.
Ugh I'm not gonna make it tonight guys. Power went out and it's getting pretty rough out here. Should probably stay and keep an eye on the fish and the family. With y'all in spirit!
Oh man, hope everything is ok! Power went out at the shop from 2:30-4, so it was stressful, lol!! Somehow it blew my WiFi router out so no WiFi =no apex control so everything is funky now, gotta handle it all tomorrow before things get weird, not to mention tons of devices are on WiFi timers