Reef nutrition

Cocktails and Coral Talk with Charles Delbeek 12/15

I really enjoyed both the talk and the social hour. Charles Delbeek is a great speaker and it was fascinating getting a perspective of larger tank care. Kenny and HTA also put together a great vibe for hosting, and is super inviting for a new Reefer such as myself. The local pizza and beer were super bomb too. I definitely hope to join some more of these in the future.
Gotta write down that molar formula, definitely going to add it to my notes when I test
I really enjoyed both the talk and the social hour. Charles Delbeek is a great speaker and it was fascinating getting a perspective of larger tank care. Kenny and HTA also put together a great vibe for hosting, and is super inviting for a new Reefer such as myself. The local pizza and beer were super bomb too. I definitely hope to join some more of these in the future.
Thank you for coming and good to meet you!