Our mission

Cold front

Make sure your heathers are on, seems a really cold weekend ahead plus rain, heck, there might even be snow, around here !!!
It might snow in SF, and that's pretty impressive. 1st time in 35 years. I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue on the roads.
You need to have frozen roads for the snow to stick, so unless you're at altitude where the ground is below freezing it will just melt when it hits asphalt, grass and bushes are a different story.
well, was there any snow at sea level???

Thought as much :lol:
It's the Bay Area, any excuse to drive like a type A idiot goes, driving is a competition you know, and elements shall not alter ones driving style.
Bay area is still no where near as bad as LA. People down there don't know how to drive with out tailgating.
This area beats the entire Southeast. Some people there wait for you when they have right of way, others go ahead. At least here most everyone goes.
I disagree Ian... The Bay Area is just as bad for tailgaters.

The funny thing is, it's easier and less stressful to drive in NY then Cali I've found. They actually will let you in, they don't rush to close every fricken gap making you miss off ramps!@!
NJ sucks though. If you don't run a red light when your one of the first few cars to hit it, you probably will get rear ended. NY is a wee bit like that as well, but you can make left turns in NY :lol:

Damn Wilburs..

Over here, yellow lights are green and the first 5 seconds of a red are yellow.
Also, collecting DUIs are a hobby for some since not much becomes of them.