Reef nutrition

Controllers ?????


Past President
Thinking about finally adding a controller to my tank and wanted some input from the masses. Was thinking about going with a Reefkeeper II but not sure if it makes sense both for timing sake and cost sake to hold out for the Reefkeeper III or go with something else all together.

Currently I have 2 heaters, a chiller and a ph monitor (in chamber with my CA reactor) and lights on a old schoold Heavy duty timers.

Wait for the ReefKeeper Elite, it could go on pre-order a quite soon :D

However, with your setup of what you just listed you very easily could go with one of the "basic" models, ReefKeeper 2, or ACJr. Both are comparable, and do lights, temperature on/offs, pH monitoring & controlling. Only reason I say hold out for the Elite is that it's apparently quite an expandable thing, where you don't need to pay for everything under the sun, just what you want... however it is a bit pricier than the RK2/ACjr. For instance down the road you might want to measure ORP, control pumps, have a webserver or email you when something goes wrong, and the RK2/Jr don't have that capability AFAIK.
I don't use any of the features on my AC3 beyond what the JR can do. There really is no must have feature on the new models. I would get the RK3 as I am a gadget guy, but the RK2 is much cheaper and really all you NEED!
The new RKE elite has tunze controller and maybe even ac pumps controller so thats what am waiting for, it it has those then am down for 1

I think you got the 2 elites messed up.

The reefkeeper that is named elite is bad
The reefkeeper elite is bad a$$ :D :D