Reef nutrition

Coral Fight Club!


Supporting Member
I still get surprised by who wins a coral battle.... so thpught be a fun (and educational) thread to get examples of battles and outcome.

Yes, already breaking the rules by talking abouy it...

Here's my lastest:

SPS vs hairy mushroom... shroom wins.

Losing a whole branch due to rolling infection margins. Treated with antibiotics, still no luck in stopping erosion. I did stop it from going down tonthe base but not up


And of course, anything vs yuma or pavona. Anything loses
Not coral fight club, but...nem versus nirvana zoas.

Turns out the nirvana zoas like it and just start multiplying like crazy. So I'm not quite sure who wins that fight.
With my red Goni it gets white tips at the end when it’s stinging so I can know when to move it. It did some damage to my hammer, but the hammer held its own pretty well. I moved the hammer regardless
Nems usually win, although in the case of RBTA vs. xenia the xenia just didn't care, almost as if the nem wasn't there.
GSP wins over monti cap.
Green slimer wins over zoas, although it lets them get close before making a slimy mess and pushing the back.
Galaxea wins over euphyllia.
Hairy mushrooms win over everything I've ever seen them go up against (although I haven't tried nems).
Mystic monti wins over acan lords, but it takes it some time to build a thick skeleton wall around it before it can grow a plate over the top of the acan to cut off the light.
Bowerbankis tend to be pretty terrifying as are hydnophora, but I tend to keep them away from others.
Somewhere I have a photo that involves 24k milli, flame fox, Garf, and tricolor valida all going at it. There was a clear hierarchy but I don't remember what it was off hand.

Edit: I've seen blue matrix, assorted tenius, and red planet send out what look like miniscule sweepers that are only a few mm long and win over bryopsis, but the corals need to be really healthy and happy for that to happen.
I had to separate these two after the pink goni started to burn a hole in the red ones flesh. Be careful when putting gonis together, I’ve seen goni gardens and didn’t expect this to happen
I have hairy mushrooms that have beat gsp and zoas. Anyone have an easy method of removing or controlling them that doesn't require rock to be broken or taken out?
I have hairy mushrooms that have beat gsp and zoas. Anyone have an easy method of removing or controlling them that doesn't require rock to be broken or taken out?
Not easy by any means, but you can cut them off with a solid metal scalpel like they have in fragging kits. Don’t use the ones where you have to attach a disposable blade, those are not firm enough and dangerous to use for anything but the most controlled setting. I just cut between the base of the foot and the rock as best I can including in the crevices. It’s hard work and the mushroom often doesn’t survive, if that is a consideration.
Alve vs goni..

Maybe a tie? The goni definitely has rhe edge.... made a nook for itself, carving out the alve. The alve just gree around it as if the goni had a force field...

I have some coral battles to share as well:
Nem vs Birdsnest = Nem wins,
Red mushroom Vs Sunset Monty = Mushrooms wins
Neon Green Hammer vs Green Nephtea = Hammer is winning
Green Scolly VS Lobofilia = Lobofilia is winning wins
Lost the green acro too. Fortunately I have another frag of it on the rack still.
@NanoCrazed what dip would you recommend using after two acros touch, I think I could have saved it
My elixir consists of 125mg ciprofloxacin + 250mg amoxicillin to 1 pint. 10 mins to 15 mins max. Use dropper or baster to blow off dead tissue. Need to apply this at least 2 days in a row...or more if it looks worse.