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coral reefers 240 gallon flat

Another question on dipping, what do people use for aefw and how often should I dip? I used revive the other night, definitely saw worms jumping off, so seems like it works, but maybe there are better things to use? Want to be on top of this problem as soon as possible, but don't want to overdue it with the dipping?
Well....CRAP! turns out when you get stuck in a bad mortgage the bank eventually takes your house. My brother learned this one the hard way and as a result the flat is in storage. Boooooo. I was able to move most of what we had into a five foot truvu in my garage for now. Read, I started a fish room. Eventually I will upgrade my 120 to the 215 starfire he had empty and is now also in storage, and put a hole through my floor upstairs to connect with a Frag tank below. Not in any rush though...

This is Bryan's old 4x2 x1 glass with an old sump and octopus skimmer. Using a mh 1200 for return temporarily, lol!

Should be able to have stuff in there by weeks end. Got a couple rocks I want out of my display, and now I'll be ready for members only swap!
Hopefully this will be a much more manageable size project than the 240 was, and if it goes well, will likely be the qt system for corals before they go into the 240 (if and when it is set back up, fingers crossed). Probably going to start out with 4 bulb 36" t5 fixture and see how it goes.
Doesn't really seem bigger, or big enough for those tangs...cool tidal pool type areas tho. You would like that tank with the rock out f water and the mangroves. Go figure!
Sweet setup! If that is an old-school MJ1200 you could keep using it for a long time before it needs to be replaced with a "proper" return pump. ;)