Neptune Aquatics

Crabby's "Elite210" tank at the Romberg Tiburon Center

Fish addition update

For the past few weeks the tank has been running just fine with only one fish, a clown tang. Now there are more fish: Yesterday I added a Naso tang (~4") and today I added a yellow tang (~4") and a pair of clarkii clowns, the female ~2" and the male ~1" long. So far, everyone has been playing nice with one another, and hopefully I'll stop hearing about how lonely the clown tang must be with no other fish to interact with! (But at least people are paying attention to the tank - would be sad if there weren't since it's a public display!). I'll likely be adding more fish in the future, but for now this will be it. I decided not to put my Klein's butterfly in the tank, even though it's a great aiptasia eater

Next project will be to get the canopy built and some lighting on the tank. We've got a big dedication ceremony on the 28th of March (RTC's 30th anniversary), and I'd like the tank to have a top by then!. I've decided to use 2 lumenarc III reflectors with 400W MH SE bulbs. I'll start with 20K bulbs and add T5 actinics if necessary. The canopy is going to be simple frame and birch plywood.

Then I'll be working on setup of the calcium reactor. At present, Ca++ levels are about ~500 ppm, alkalinity ~2.5 meq/L and Mg levels are a bit low ~1200ppm. I'm not rushing putting corals into the tank since they are all doing fine in my lab tanks, so will probably wait until the lights have been on for a month or so, Ca, Mg and Alk have stabilized, and there's good CCA growth before adding corals.
Just a quick update - still no canopy/lights on the tank but hopefully will be making some progress on that soon. I added one more fish, a powder blue tang that was kindly donated by club member Patrick (sorry, Patrick I don't know your BAR screenname). After a bit of posturing all the fish settled down and are getting along fine. I certainly won't be adding any more surgeonfish - 4 is more than enough!

Once the lights are on I'll post some more pics.
Today I framed up a canopy with 1X2's and will put the plywood "skin" with doors over the frame Friday (pics to be posted this weekend, hopefully. I was hoping that BAR members would chime in with the following opinions:

1. What sort of fans do you use for airflow? I'm planning on some box fans built into the top of the canopy (closed top) that will suck air in the back of the canopy and push it out the top.
2. How do you like to hinge the doors?
a) Top hinge, so door swings up, or
b) Side hinge so door swings out, or
c) Bottom hinge so door swings down, or
d) "I've got a better idea:__________"

My goal is to have lights on the tank by Saturday!
I'm not a fan of top hinges because occasionally they slip and you get bonked on the head. :( Ouch!

Unless, of course, you wear a hard hat everytime you open it. :)
I like to hang them so I can raise and lower lights as I need. Not a fan of canopies. Can't wait to see the tank someday.
So I FINALLY got lights on the tank, but only for a weekend because the canopy is not yet finished. Here are some pics just after turning on the lights for the first time!

THere's much more flow across the left side of the tank than the right side, which is nice because I can have different flow zones for corals with different needs. There's also plenty of bright exposed surfaces as well as less well lit caverns.

Once the canopy is finished (still need doors, fans, and trim) and conditions seem good for corals (i.e., some CCA is growing), I'll start adding corals. Probably a piece of frogspawn will be the first addition.

Two more fish to be added include a radiant wrasse and a midas blenny. At present both are hanging out in a temporary tank with a tight fitting lid!

One bit of sadness is that when the lights went on I discovered, to my dismay, that the tank has a lot of scratches. They were totally invisible without the lights. Sigh... You can see some of the scratches in the first pic.

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Elite said:
Yike.. Sorry to hear that Jonathan.. :(

Not to worry Phong...the tank is still a great size for the spot and the scratches are only an annoyance to those of us who look for them. Besides, I got a good deal on it...;-)

Quick update - hopefully canopy will be trimmed out in another day or two and the tank will be lit again after that point.
Thanks Sherri,

No the tangs don't all hang out together - that was just a moment of convergence because they thought I was going to add food. They swim all around using the entire tank space, and do a lot of moving in and out of the rock structure.
Brief update:

Yesterday I hooked up my Ca reactor (Korallin C1502) and also started a kalkwasser drip for pH balance. The Kalk drip is just a 1gallon jug with a small tubing running out of it. I set it at about 10 drops per minute. I don't have a pH controller but I'm hoping that the Ca reactor and Kalk will result in a pH offset. I'll check levels within the next few days to see how things look.

The canopy is done, but we're still making the door panels. Hope to get the lights on the tank next week, though, and then after a week or so more will start planting corals. Thanks to everyone who donated corals to get this started, including dswong, saltwatersig, cwolfus, drdoolittle, lyn, pixelpixi, iani, tuberider, and apon (and others - if I forgot you in this list please let me know and I'll fix the post!). I will do my best to get frags of these corals back into the club.

Finally, the tank canopy is done and there is light! 2 lumenarc reflectors, one large in front and one small in back with 20K 400W radium single ended bulbs in each. The canopy has 5 doors, two on each side and one on the front. The back is open, but I'll be putting some mesh to keep jumping fish in. As you can see from the pics, I made the canopy a bit too short so it doesn't cover the back of the tank very well.

Interestingly, the skimmer went crazy after the lights were on for a day - something either blooming or organic molecules degrading with the high intensity light...the same thing happened the first time I put the lights on a month ago or so

After water quality parameters check out and I do a 30G water change, I'll start adding corals.

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