Reef nutrition

Craigslist. They should rename it Flakeslist

eBay is an investor in Craigslist, but Craig has turned down their offers to buy him out. I think I read that eBay will launch a competing online classified service soon.

There was an interesting article in the SF Weekly free newspaper last week about Craig, and how his free service was cutting into the traditional papers' bottom lines so much that they are having to lay off dozens and dozens of reporters and editorial staff.
A few years ago, Craig, the main owner of Craigslist, shared his stock with someone else who sold his share to Ebay a few months ago.

As far as I have read, Ebay doesn't own enough to call the shots. Both Ebay and Craig try to put their best face on it saying they can both learn from eachother.

If you do a search using both companies as a keyword, I'm sure you'll find all the current articles on it.

Best of luck,

CraigsList is great. I'm with Vincerama. There are flakes and jerks, but there are also nice and honest people.

If it wasn't for Craigslist, I would have spent more money, thrown away or given away usable items. This a great service to the community. I've had someone as far away as Santa CRuz pick up a toy on their way to Napa. It's good to see an almost brand new toy go to another kid who wants it.

Friends have found jobs and apartments using CraigsList. I find several postings to be entertaining.

And looking is free.

With CraigsList search and email, two parties can get together with ease and efficiency that is not possible in any newspaper.

That article in the SF weekly is spiteful of Craigslist but readership of newspapers have been going down for sometime. That writing on the wall has been around since the birth of the internet (or the publication of USA Today).

I still read newspapers, but they need to find another income stream to make up for the classified ads. Some papers will make it, others will fold.

Anyway, I like and use CraigsList. Plus, I knew about Craigslist before RC or BAR. So a lot of my aquarium gear are from CraigsList.
OH yes, I love it and I hate it.

I tried to hire a model for a time sensitive photoshoot and she called me 10 minutes before she was supposed to arrive to say she was just waking up. Then 2 hours later, she called to say she hadn't left the house. By then it was too late. Flaky.

Of course, I promised to sell my clownfish to someone and flaked at the last minute when I realized I had an emotional attachment to them, but at least I called the guy. My flaky.

And I sold my husbands 1970's furniture set - someone actually paid money for that shite! Not flaky.

But I hate it when I'm looking for something specific and no one has it.