
DBTC Black Widow BTA

If you are ever out my way, El Cerrito. I would be happy to start a DBTC for a TCK master torch for your school tank.

PS. no nem needed
That would be awesome! I have family in the Sacramento area. Next time I go up there to visit, I will get in touch with you to pick one up on the way home. Sometimes I feel like the Bay Area is just too dang big!
That would be awesome! I have family in the Sacramento area. Next time I go up there to visit, I will get in touch with you to pick one up on the way home. Sometimes I feel like the Bay Area is just too dang big!
NP send me a message when you do.
I am still interested. I was not one of the original lucky group but if there are more I would love one. Question for the group: can this morph live happily with other types of bubble tips? I saw some stuff online that said both ways but old discussions.

I have a CSB and they are notorious for not getting along with other bubble tips. Typically only one survives the chemical warfare. I love the look of the black widow but haven’t been willing to risk my CSB to add one yet.
I have a CSB and they are notorious for not getting along with other bubble tips. Typically only one survives the chemical warfare. I love the look of the black widow but haven’t been willing to risk my CSB to add one yet.
No experience with them waging war, though I do recall hearing about this in many videos. I've never mixed them, however I have 3 rbtas, a Nexus burst nem plus this one that will end up in the same tank. I can only hope they will all get along.

Thank you for the Black Widows!

To the guys who got one, be careful because Black Widows may be aggressive and are known to wipe out RBTAs.

Thank you for the Black Widows!

To the guys who got one, be careful because Black Widows may be aggressive and are known to wipe out RBTAs.
How do you introduce them to a tank with rbta? Any first hand experience with this?

What about Black Widow and nexus burst or joker nems?