Cali Kid Corals

DBTC - Spartan's Pride like Zoa's

I find it to be a slow grower but noticed a baby polyp after I frag a couple to Matthew if pruning did the trick I'll put you next in line.
Solitaryensis said:
Anyone in the eastbay area (Oakland/Alameda/Berkeley) have a small frag they'd like to share? :)

I have one polyp frag already, will hold it for couple more polyps to show and will pm you for pick up arrangement
This specific zoanthid has stuck on the same number of heads for too long, no additional polyps that I can see; any of the recipients have any update?
Seems they want to enjoy life before having any kids.
Move the frag plug home to a more intense light and seem to be responding better, still five polyp plug for a very long time. Hoping the move makes this zoanthid grow new polyps.
At home the colors are more vibrant.